I decided to start a new and fresh forum thread for my Brothers clan. The old one
has been made by our former leader Raging_Rabbit and since he's not active with Warband anymore.
I think it's the best opinion to make a new one with updated info and to be available to update those.
What is Brothers clan?
We are a siege clan and not a competitive one. Usually you can find us hanging around Wolfpack
Siege and ZHG Siege. Mainly we are just a bunch of good siege players, having some fun and playing together.
Sometimes having a fun matches and attending to some events. The term "siege clan" may sounds a bit strange
for people, who are in competitive clans and plays clanmatches. Actually siege clans like fathers and brothers
started because there was many people wanting to belong in some clan or community, but they had some
personal stuff or behaviors which didn't allow this activity. Usually the main line in brother "You don't have to do
anything if you don't want to" is one thing which allowed these guys to join a siege clan for fun. These players
didn't want to have a timetable on each week, special times for trainings on a given day and time. Instead of that,
they could belong in our clan and play when they want to. For many people our clan has been just a first experience
of a clan and clan activity so they have gotten more hungry for glory, more organized clan activities, competitive scene etc.
Also since we are non-competitive, we are allowing dual claning.
Since when?
Brothers clan started 2011 when some people left The Fathers Clan and started their own clan activity.
Fathers clan were also a siege clan.
A form of a brother nickname: The_Adjective_Name_Brother. Usually at first we try to think of an adjective
starting with same alphabet as our nickname. Also, we don't kick members out of the clan because of inactivity.
That's why some of the members in this list are not that active at the moment, but time by time you can meet
them on a siege server.
Vice Leaders
Well we play on public servers with public players, so we don't have a personal banner.
Instead of that we have been using a native banner since the beginning of Fathers clan.
A player can't apply to our clan. Only way to get in is to get invited by Elazul
I decided to start a new and fresh forum thread for my Brothers clan. The old one
has been made by our former leader Raging_Rabbit and since he's not active with Warband anymore.
I think it's the best opinion to make a new one with updated info and to be available to update those.
What is Brothers clan?
We are a siege clan and not a competitive one. Usually you can find us hanging around Wolfpack
Siege and ZHG Siege. Mainly we are just a bunch of good siege players, having some fun and playing together.
Sometimes having a fun matches and attending to some events. The term "siege clan" may sounds a bit strange
for people, who are in competitive clans and plays clanmatches. Actually siege clans like fathers and brothers
started because there was many people wanting to belong in some clan or community, but they had some
personal stuff or behaviors which didn't allow this activity. Usually the main line in brother "You don't have to do
anything if you don't want to" is one thing which allowed these guys to join a siege clan for fun. These players
didn't want to have a timetable on each week, special times for trainings on a given day and time. Instead of that,
they could belong in our clan and play when they want to. For many people our clan has been just a first experience
of a clan and clan activity so they have gotten more hungry for glory, more organized clan activities, competitive scene etc.
Also since we are non-competitive, we are allowing dual claning.
Since when?
Brothers clan started 2011 when some people left The Fathers Clan and started their own clan activity.
Fathers clan were also a siege clan.
A form of a brother nickname: The_Adjective_Name_Brother. Usually at first we try to think of an adjective
starting with same alphabet as our nickname. Also, we don't kick members out of the clan because of inactivity.
That's why some of the members in this list are not that active at the moment, but time by time you can meet
them on a siege server.
Vice Leaders
✮ The_Bloomiest_Bloom_Brother
✮ The_Cruel_Clare_Sister
✮ The_Dazzling_Dopey_Brother
✮ The_Envious_Elazul_Brother
✮ The_Fabulous_Fred_Brother
✮ The_Ferocious_Fanta_Brother
✮ The_Frantic_Female_Sister
✮ The_French_Me_vs_All_Brother
✮ The_Furious_Boron_Brother
✮ The_Furry_Bear_Brother
✮ The_Grievious_LordToy_Brother
✮ The_Jealous_JohnBain_Brother
✮ The_Insane_Edwin_Brother
✮ The_Lost_Ledd_Brother
✮ The_Pagan_Pabilitop_Brother
✮ The_Perilous_Pepper_Brother
✮ The_Steel_Maister_Brother
✮ The_Storming_Buzz_Brother
✮ The_Vindictive_Jacki_Brother
✮ The_Voracious_Volcom_Brother
✮ The_Wacky_Wonka_Brother
☆ The_Adorable_Aborson_Brother
☆ The_Amazing_Alon_Brother
☆ The_Angelic_Shotgun_Sister
☆ The_Arcane_Mortas_Brother
☆ The_Awesome_Achilles_Brother
✮ The_Barbaric_McCull_Brother
☆ The_Bearded_Bo_Brother
☆ The_Camper_Kerper_Brother
☆ The_Crazy_Coldfire_Brother
☆ The_Dark_Beran_Brother
☆ The_Dark_Mercenary_Brother
☆ The_Deadly_Tiberias_Brother
☆ The_Deceitful_Algarn_Brother
☆ The_Disturbing_Dude_Brother
☆ The_Dooming_Doctor_Brother
☆ The_Fallen_Amaranth_Sister
✮ The_Grumpy_NimS_Brother
✮ The_Guardian_Angel_Brother
✮ The_Lethal_Ciiges_Brother
✮ The_Lucky_Lara_Sister
☆ The_Merry_Metal_Brother
☆ The_Mighty_Muffin_Brother
☆ The_Mischievous_Meldo_Brother
☆ The_Notorious_Nash_Brother
☆ The_Old_Legend_Brother
☆ The_Predictive_Panda_Brother
☆ The_Raging_Rabbit_Brother
✮ The_Relentless_Ryzen_Brother
✮ The_Rotten_Ramses_Brother
☆ The_Sacrificial_Svata_Sister
☆ The_Serious_Bradley_Brother
☆ The_Sexy_Slade_Brother
✮ The_Sloppy_Shank_Brother
☆ The_Slyfox_Sister
☆ The_Souleating_Meilo_Brother
✮ The_Swiss_Remono_Brother
☆ The_Tasty_Oreo_Brother
✮ The_Toasty_Tommy_Brother
☆ The_Touching_Tarrod_Brother
☆ The_Tumultuous_Turin_Brother
✮ The_Turk_Kurtz_Brother
☆ The_Unchatty_ChatNoir_Sister
☆ The_Valiant_Vedam_Brother
☆ The_Valiant_Vitus_Brother
☆ The_Wavy_Kubi_Brother
☆ The_Yawning_Hippo_Brother
✮ The_Bloomiest_Bloom_Brother
✮ The_Cruel_Clare_Sister
✮ The_Dazzling_Dopey_Brother
✮ The_Envious_Elazul_Brother
✮ The_Fabulous_Fred_Brother
✮ The_Ferocious_Fanta_Brother
✮ The_Frantic_Female_Sister
✮ The_French_Me_vs_All_Brother
✮ The_Furious_Boron_Brother
✮ The_Furry_Bear_Brother
✮ The_Grievious_LordToy_Brother
✮ The_Jealous_JohnBain_Brother
✮ The_Insane_Edwin_Brother
✮ The_Lost_Ledd_Brother
✮ The_Pagan_Pabilitop_Brother
✮ The_Perilous_Pepper_Brother
✮ The_Steel_Maister_Brother
✮ The_Storming_Buzz_Brother
✮ The_Vindictive_Jacki_Brother
✮ The_Voracious_Volcom_Brother
✮ The_Wacky_Wonka_Brother
☆ The_Adorable_Aborson_Brother
☆ The_Amazing_Alon_Brother
☆ The_Angelic_Shotgun_Sister
☆ The_Arcane_Mortas_Brother
☆ The_Awesome_Achilles_Brother
✮ The_Barbaric_McCull_Brother
☆ The_Bearded_Bo_Brother
☆ The_Camper_Kerper_Brother
☆ The_Crazy_Coldfire_Brother
☆ The_Dark_Beran_Brother
☆ The_Dark_Mercenary_Brother
☆ The_Deadly_Tiberias_Brother
☆ The_Deceitful_Algarn_Brother
☆ The_Disturbing_Dude_Brother
☆ The_Dooming_Doctor_Brother
☆ The_Fallen_Amaranth_Sister
✮ The_Grumpy_NimS_Brother
✮ The_Guardian_Angel_Brother
✮ The_Lethal_Ciiges_Brother
✮ The_Lucky_Lara_Sister
☆ The_Merry_Metal_Brother
☆ The_Mighty_Muffin_Brother
☆ The_Mischievous_Meldo_Brother
☆ The_Notorious_Nash_Brother
☆ The_Old_Legend_Brother
☆ The_Predictive_Panda_Brother
☆ The_Raging_Rabbit_Brother
✮ The_Relentless_Ryzen_Brother
✮ The_Rotten_Ramses_Brother
☆ The_Sacrificial_Svata_Sister
☆ The_Serious_Bradley_Brother
☆ The_Sexy_Slade_Brother
✮ The_Sloppy_Shank_Brother
☆ The_Slyfox_Sister
☆ The_Souleating_Meilo_Brother
✮ The_Swiss_Remono_Brother
☆ The_Tasty_Oreo_Brother
✮ The_Toasty_Tommy_Brother
☆ The_Touching_Tarrod_Brother
☆ The_Tumultuous_Turin_Brother
✮ The_Turk_Kurtz_Brother
☆ The_Unchatty_ChatNoir_Sister
☆ The_Valiant_Vedam_Brother
☆ The_Valiant_Vitus_Brother
☆ The_Wavy_Kubi_Brother
☆ The_Yawning_Hippo_Brother
Well we play on public servers with public players, so we don't have a personal banner.
Instead of that we have been using a native banner since the beginning of Fathers clan.
A player can't apply to our clan. Only way to get in is to get invited by Elazul