the black armor ruin the fun

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Sergeant at Arms
evrything about the drak knights are great
but their armor is bolcking any hit will come
except from some troops that use powerfull weapon like the beseker's
now when i have 60 dark ranger and about 80 shadow knight
i can take over all caladia
also i can stand between 300 enemies like sea rider and go make a coffe and then get back to kill them
the dark fellows could be stronger but slaughter-able
The armor is meant to be hard to penetrate. Perhaps you might want to think about using piercing attacks, like stabbing them? DK's are, in my eyes, the endgame foe. The rest of the game is spend building up to fight against them. It makes sense that they'd be tough to beat.
dont use them then :/. its the only foe in the game that isnt a 1-2 shot(well some are..) so its nice for a change :smile:.
you right
it realy should be that way
that you can't capture thier fighters

but i didn't capture
i joined them then my castle recriut them
to join them all you need to do is capture about 40 lord
that are also enemy for the dark

and to beat them you need
about 80 archers then retreat and then again
to take over the castle i still haven't tried
it seems to hard

p.s can somebody tell me what it is "spearwall"
It's Merc's code which allows you (and the AI) to brace spears.
If you're on foot and equipped with a spear press 'b'
Or, if want to see it in action, just charge head on in some Rhodoks  :mrgreen:
(the guys that stand so awkwardly still)
yhea i know that
i thought it somekind of order that i can give to my infatry to do a "spearwall"
when the cravaly charging on them
can i give this order
No there isn't a command like that. Would be near impossible to implement probably* I'd say.
You can, however, just take a lot of units with you that are equipped with spears, tell them to form a line and hope for the best.

*meaning, that you can't separate troops with spears from troops without them and such it's not possible to give orders to specific units only.
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