Ok, here goes:
1) Travel Map:
Adding a time speedup option for the map. traveling between two towns can often mean staring at the screen for a few long minutes, making trading a very trying exercise in patience rather than a neat option.
2) Interiors:
In towns other than the starting one, there is almost never a reason for the 3d interiors.
You have to do a bit of redundant walking from where you get 'spawned' in the traders 'house' to the trader to chat, and that's that. Kind of pointless.
best to make it only text really.
It'd also give the 'unique' places where you meet party members and quest givers a feeling of uniqueness, and make the '1 shape fits all' architecture a bit less 'everywhere'.
3) Atmosphere:
There's no real atmosphere or back-story.
The combat is PHENOMENAL, the systems are incredible, and the little text that there is, is very well written, so why not write more of it?
I'd volunteer gladly if you need people to churn out loads of quality text )
That said, every town should be more like the starting town.
With quest givers, hireable help, people to talk to for the sake of atmosphere and plot advancement and so on.
4) Character Creation:
Beautiful system! however, it could definitely use a " - " button as well as a " + " one, in case you accidentally click something or regret your choice.. although this is just nitpicking and not that important.
Note that I'm not asking for anything that's clearly beyond the scope of an independent publishing -- just added 'oomph' to the bits that are really important. I'm not suggesting you make more interior builds, incredible character models (although, uhm, we like character models..) and such, just concentrate on making the wonderful combat even more wonderful, iron out glitches and do more or less the only thing an independent production can do with great style: create a wonderful world full of atmosphere and chatter
1) Travel Map:
Adding a time speedup option for the map. traveling between two towns can often mean staring at the screen for a few long minutes, making trading a very trying exercise in patience rather than a neat option.
2) Interiors:
In towns other than the starting one, there is almost never a reason for the 3d interiors.
You have to do a bit of redundant walking from where you get 'spawned' in the traders 'house' to the trader to chat, and that's that. Kind of pointless.
best to make it only text really.
It'd also give the 'unique' places where you meet party members and quest givers a feeling of uniqueness, and make the '1 shape fits all' architecture a bit less 'everywhere'.
3) Atmosphere:
There's no real atmosphere or back-story.
The combat is PHENOMENAL, the systems are incredible, and the little text that there is, is very well written, so why not write more of it?
I'd volunteer gladly if you need people to churn out loads of quality text )
That said, every town should be more like the starting town.
With quest givers, hireable help, people to talk to for the sake of atmosphere and plot advancement and so on.
4) Character Creation:
Beautiful system! however, it could definitely use a " - " button as well as a " + " one, in case you accidentally click something or regret your choice.. although this is just nitpicking and not that important.
Note that I'm not asking for anything that's clearly beyond the scope of an independent publishing -- just added 'oomph' to the bits that are really important. I'm not suggesting you make more interior builds, incredible character models (although, uhm, we like character models..) and such, just concentrate on making the wonderful combat even more wonderful, iron out glitches and do more or less the only thing an independent production can do with great style: create a wonderful world full of atmosphere and chatter