The Bezoar Amulet - Progress Report Thread

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*~ Added food bonus for Venison. Can't believe I overlooked that.


Starting work on: Adding Meat Pie recipes for Butcher's Helper characters, for Venison, Raw Fish, Smoked Fish, Dried Meat, Beef, Pork, Chicken, Sausages, or Flesh. The recipe will produce multiple pies, with a low number of portions, but a high food bonus. Tasty. :mrgreen:
Just like mother used to make...


*~ Added Meat Pie recipes for Butcher's Helper characters, for Venison, Raw Fish, Smoked Fish, Dried Meat, Beef, Pork, Chicken, Sausages, or Flesh. Can be used via Village menu.
*~ Added Game Poacher characters also gather 25% faster via Old Creel and Hunting For Game - this makes fishing at coastal villages extremely fast.
Hey-oo hey-oo i am back from a long pause, and it,s nice to see that good ol, Nought is back in the game again :party: eager to see how good..i mean bad things will turn out :twisted:

BTW, that pictures face looks kinda weird..a clown maybe?
Any sort of significant progress or added features? :twisted:

Christmas is here quite soon BTW. :cool:

Update, don,t rush take your time we can wait the Great Lich to work his magic.

Glad to know your doing fine, sounds really neat. :twisted:
I would not expect a release by Christmas. I haven't been working on Solid and Shade at all lately - been working the early shift (2:30am - 11am) at a coffee shop, and therefore my schedule lends towards a rather sleepy life. Also found my soulmate, and I spend a lot of time with her. Priorities. And a lot of my personal darkness, which I previously expressed via Solid and Shade has vanished entirely, thanks to her. She is a truly beautiful human being, through and through.

However, I have been feeling the itch to work on it more, and some things have started up again, namely:

* Added a Straightrazor as a regular merchandise weapon. It is rather fast, and deadly due to doing piercing damage, though you cannot parry with it.

* Concurrently, I plan to add a suicide option for human characters. You will have to have a Straightrazor equipped or in inventory. This will be like a quick jump to permadeath, with failure being possible - i.e. you will have a chance of triggering a nightmare or dream sequence instead, and you can become a ghost this way as well (with a unique dialog, since the other dialogs indicate the enemies who took your life).

* I will be adding the Barber character creation choice, as a profession choice. Stat bonus will be similar to choosing Neophyte Necromancer (Agi+1,Cha+1). With this will be the ability to sell your trade at towns, similar to Mummers and Troubadours. Especially in ancient Greece, the Barber (or Cureus) was very important, as going to him for a haircut and a manicure was a threshold of manhood. Barbershops were, and still are, a huge focal point for news and debate. For those paying close attention, and Sweeney Todd fans, this will enable you to play a character who Is a Butcher's Helper Barber. :twisted:

* The concept of a weapon made from the iron in the blood of one's enemies is something I have begun to nebulously consider - apparently it would take approximately the blood of 359 people to make a longsword. That is a lot of inventory space, so perhaps there will be a particular character you give Human Blood to over time, who will forge the sword when they finally have received 359 of them. I see this as a perfect excuse to create a sword that looks just like a normal bastard sword in the game, but functions as well as Hematite, the Sword of Hades - for those purist Antihero characters who want a good weapon that still represents the human factor.
I'd like a Sanguine Blade (copyright not actually pending)  to look unique (but not like a fantasy sword) HOWEVER all of this great news completely eclipses that. It's great to see that you're doing well, N0ught. I hope things continue to look up for you.
A few things I completed in the last week or so:

*~ "You became... A handmaiden. (Agi+1,Int+1)" added to character creation, as a Female-only choice. Can do Domestic work in towns.
*~ "You became... A barber. (Agi+1,Cha+1)" added to character creation, as a Male-only choice. Can do Tonsorial work in towns if they have a Straightrazor.
*~ Troubadour, Mummer, and Charlatan professions can no longer be practiced at castles. Towns only.
*~ Added Straightrazor as a weapon. Allows fully human characters to commit suicide via camp action menu, if they have one in their inventory/equipped... once. If they survive they will never get the nerve to do it again. Suicide also has a chance of failing, and causing a nightmare or dream sequence, or Ghost status, and can still be stopped by the rare Unicorn, Black Cat nine lives status, or a Philosopher/Infinity Stone.

... Next will be the profession for Smiths, and the creation of the Blood Iron Bastard Sword. After smelting 359 blood, the ability to craft the sword will also pop up. The Blood Iron Bastard sword has a speed and damage rating of 125, and does piercing damage, much like most legendary weapons. I have not yet decided if it should get a skill bonus - you will be able to make multiple swords, after all, though each will take a very long time to make, and consume a valuable commodity (since blood is used in many important recipes).

If you are female, a Unicorn has a 1 in 100 chance of appearing on permadeath - its essentially a free mount. Which reminds me, I need to set up requirements for being fully human for this to kick in as well. That will make it even more obscure.

And the Black Cat status is something given to a relatively neutral character, upon meeting the Fates, which allows you to avoid permadeath 9 times.
Well after playtesting, I have been able to make a Blood Iron Bastard Sword by day 47, and as a level 6 character - some considerations:

*My character also joined the Bloodfountain almost immediately after creation - I was lucky enough to find Diamonds fairly early.
*My character is also a Butcher's Helper, and therefore was able to dismember corpses for two blood at a time.
*I did almost nothing but work Armory in towns for money during daylight hours, and do Graverobbing at night, to get all the corpses I would need.
*I also hit up a certain chest full of corpses to get a head start.

... So in theory, this is literally the fastest someone could accomplish this task. Anyone who is not a Butcher's Helper would require 94+ days to get it done, Necromancer status, and some serious dedication. So it is fairly balanced. :mrgreen:
Already considering some new additions, along the lines of:

* Think Jonah and the Whale.
* More sound effects and menu images.
* Something more "tinkerish" for character creation choices.
* Some method of automatic inventory sorting for Shop Assistant characters (seems difficult).
* Finding a way to enhance punching damage (perhaps impossible).
* Concurrently, fighting clubs. Think arena combat, only in a much smaller area, and one-on-one. Betting enabled.
* Possibly archery tournaments as well.
That would be a bit too advanced. Thinking more like an inventor choice... none of the current character choices start with a unique mount you know...


* "You became... An inventor. (Str-1,Int+3)" added to character creation ~ Starts the game with Torque, a Bicycle, a Flintlock Pistol, Cartridges, and a full set of basic chainmail armor pieces. Can create Bicycles via camp menu, if they have Torque. Can do Tinkering in towns, if they have Torque.
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