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No, I didn't use any mods.
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Summary:It's my first time playing this game. I clicked on campaign, but then the game crashed, and a window appeared warning me 'the application have a problem'.
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which:no
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU:RTX 3060 Laptop
GPU Driver Version:Geforce GameReady version 565.90
CPU:i7-11800H 2.30GHz
RAM:Samsung DDR4 24G
Motherboard:LENOVO LNVNB161216
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):Samsung SSD 990 PRO 2TB
day1 attempt record:
1.I deleted the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord files on the C drive, but the error pop-up still appears.
2.After checking the game’s integrity on Steam, I ran the game in administrator mode and compatibility mode, but the error pop-up still appears.
3.I completely deleted all game files, including those on the C drive, and re-downloaded the game, but it still reports an error.
4.I deleted all language_data.xml files, and now the game cannot be launched at all.
5.I downloaded .NET Core and .NET Framework, but when trying to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017, the installation failed with an error stating that updated versions already exist on my computer. I can currently enter and play Custom Battle, but I still encounter popup errors in New Campaign and Sandbox.
day 2 attempt record:
1.Today, I set up virtual memory on my computer, but I'm still getting the popup error 'the application faced a problem.'I've tried all the mainstream methods and the solutions in the checklist, but I still can't resolve the issue. Is there anyone who can provide more solutions for me to try?
When I check the rgl_log, it seems that something is missing, which might be affecting my game and causing the "THE APPLICATION FACED A PROBLEM" issue.
[09:32:11.191] Registering items...
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender battania_light_armor_c)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender battania_light_armor_c_converted)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender battania_light_armor_c_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender battania_light_armor_c_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender battanian_chainmail_shoulder_b)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender burlap_sack_dress_slim)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_negative_confident)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_positive_confident)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_trivial_confident)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_unsure_confident)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_very_negative_confident)
[09:32:11.243] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender conversation_very_positive_confident)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_crown)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_crown_v2)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_a)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_a)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_d)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_e)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_f)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_g_b)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_g_b)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_g_c)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_g_d)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_g_f)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_ab)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_bb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_bb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_da)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_eb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_fa)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_h_fb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i_a)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i_aa)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i_da)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i_db)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_i_fb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j__a)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_d)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_da)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_db)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_e)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_f)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_fa)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_j_fb)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_k_f)
[09:32:11.244] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_k_fb)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender horse_harness_aserai_d)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender horse_harness_imperial_b_clotest)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_slim)
[09:32:11.245] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_base)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_base_converted)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_base_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_base_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_converted)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_converted)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_converted_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender sturgian_lamellar_fortified_slim)
[09:32:11.246] Unable to find item to add dependency(depender walk_forward_unarmed)
[09:32:11.278] Initializing items
[09:32:11.505] Loading packages $BASE/Modules/SandBox/AssetPackages...
[09:32:11.505] Registering items...
[09:32:11.505] Initializing items
[09:32:11.511] Loading done...
dude im praying you find a solution because I have the same problem. Everytime i load the game I get to the launcher, and when I click play I get the "this application faced a problem" message. At this point I have tried so many internet solutions, Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the game like 10 times, Ive completely reset my PC and redownloaded the game, and I still get the same error message. Idk wtf to do at this point, the game was working fine for me for like the past month.
dude im praying you find a solution because I have the same problem. Everytime i load the game I get to the launcher, and when I click play I get the "this application faced a problem" message. At this point I have tried so many internet solutions, Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the game like 10 times, Ive completely reset my PC and redownloaded the game, and I still get the same error message. Idk wtf to do at this point, the game was working fine for me for like the past month.
thx bro,i will try my best to solve it.
IT is fixed but not pushed to the game. We refrain from putting certain fixes to hotfixes because it might broke stuff and require more testing. It will be part of the next big patch. No ETAs.
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