SP Fantasy The Age of Darkness

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Well, I want to release here my mod called "The Age of Darkness".
Included Lords and Realms Siege Pack;+
An opportunity to duel any lord;
Recruits now belong to faction that own their village;
20 is now a minimum number of looters in band;
More rapid bandit spawn;
You can now make peace with factions being rebel;
New blood effects;
Included Animation Compilation (thx MAXHARDMAN  :smile:);
Horses now cause much more damage;
Formations, morale and shield bash;
New units;
Higher skill limit (15);
Stronger and numerous bandits.
This mod is in english, and I hope you should understand everything, но если вы русский - русификатор в комплекте.
I wish to tell words of gratitude to everyone who's materials are used in this mod.
Sorry, but no screenshots (becouse there are not so many graphical improvements here)  :grin:
Download link:
Patch, that reduce horse's damage and allow bandit's to group against player.
Honestly, I dont see a reason for that, he is putting in his mod topic thanks and name of the changes, like lords and realms there.
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