The ability to command multiplayer bots

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When I play Mount&Blade with my brother on our home network, one of the problems I've noticed is that there seems to be no way to issue commands to the bots as can be done in singleplayer. I've found this somewhat frustrating, because in singleplayer I can normally make good use of my units to take out any war party I please. This cannot be done in multiplayer, however, so I am reduced to simply letting my troops charge into battle whatever way they see fit. Not only does this normally lead to stupid battle scenes, the fights are repetitive, since the bots always take the same route to the enemy.

What I am suggesting is that when a round starts, the player who performed best in the last round is designated the team leader. He is then given the ability to command the bots just as you can in singleplayer; ordering them to hold certain positions, follow him around, etc.

Alternatively the server could automatically cycle through the human players and at the start of the round assign new leaders based upon the knowledge of which player has had the longest waiting time.

What are your thoughts on this?
Haven't played in ages but I think you have to select bots at the equipment screen if you want to command them. Not sure if it's been removed or I just made it up but nyah
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