I know the ability for your main char to actually die isntead of beign wounded isnt for everyone. But I would love it if I could actually die instead of being wounded and left lieing around for everyone to go.
This could therefore be a option that wouldnt be too hard to implement I;m sure; for those of use who want more realism. I wouldnt mind dieing and having to start again; thats fun for me . But goung around immortal kinda takes the fun out a bit .
Basically therefore I would like it if what happens to your soldiers happens to you. You reach 0 Health and you could either be wounded or die; this would be true for other heroes too. Also I think it woul dbe cool to find yourself a prsioner in a army if your army is defeated and u were wounded and never died.
i Stress one more time that this should just be a option as a lot of people wouldnt like it. I would also like to know what you all think about the ability to die?
This game is fantastic btw; and I have bought it as well. If this feature was added I dont think i'd be able to stop playing it. Keep up the fantastic work.
This could therefore be a option that wouldnt be too hard to implement I;m sure; for those of use who want more realism. I wouldnt mind dieing and having to start again; thats fun for me . But goung around immortal kinda takes the fun out a bit .
Basically therefore I would like it if what happens to your soldiers happens to you. You reach 0 Health and you could either be wounded or die; this would be true for other heroes too. Also I think it woul dbe cool to find yourself a prsioner in a army if your army is defeated and u were wounded and never died.
i Stress one more time that this should just be a option as a lot of people wouldnt like it. I would also like to know what you all think about the ability to die?
This game is fantastic btw; and I have bought it as well. If this feature was added I dont think i'd be able to stop playing it. Keep up the fantastic work.