that moment...

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when you fell of a horse faar from your men, close to the enemy.
3,4 maybe 5 of the enemy is running at you. And you can not turn your back because you are slower and they would hit you in the back......they keep running at you and you ran backwards blocking there a way out of this?
Dogukan said:
when you fell of a horse faar from your men, close to the enemy.
3,4 maybe 5 of the enemy is running at you. And you can not turn your back because you are slower and they would hit you in the back......they keep running at you and you ran backwards blocking there a way out of this?
3-5 men. That's hardly a challenge
Put the shield away, pull out the great axe/sword of war/equally large implement of choppiness, put settings up to full damage if their not already, and charge. Might not work but when your held in chains, surrounded by your men equally captive, at leas you can look around and have a laugh!
Get your troops moving, block as much as you can, see if there are horses around to flee on or make a fighting retreat.
cntrl + F4

or for a cleaner way always keep strafing and never stand still unless you want to be mobbed. you should be fine with a fairly long weapon as long as you dont get surrounded. try to move in the opposite direction of the enemy so that they create a queue where you can easily cut them down one at  a time. If they have ranged attacks, well then you're ****ed
radicalhit said:
cntrl + F4
ctrl+F4 kills a random enemy (if not they only kill the one with the most distance from a player) so thats no solution.

Just slash and block (block as quickly as you can). And if you die its your own fault for charging at the enemy's with such a weak horse and no allys supporting you.
use a poleaxe, or get on another horse and use a bow

also  ctrl+shift+F4 kills more than one, i think 30
Use a long weapon with good slash damage and begin moving laterally. Most AI controlled foot soldiers react differently to this, so you should end up separating the measly 3-5 men. When one closes to striking distance take a swing while shifting your view quickly in the direction you're swinging. This makes your strike faster and can add speed bonus damage. You should kill most troops in one hit, with only two or three extra needed for top tier infantry. Repeat until safe. If you move in a straight line backwards, most of your enemies chase you directly, that is how you get mobbed. Lateral motion usually brings some separation. Granted, if you have this problem against 40 men, you'll probably get mobbed anyway. My advice, buy a heavy charger.
If the men your facing are More Top-Tier Infantry, Id go with what Magorian Said. But If they are just some Meager Troops, Peasents, Footmen, Etc. Then simply Kill them off as they come at you.
Dogukan said:
when you fell of a horse faar from your men, close to the enemy.
3,4 maybe 5 of the enemy is running at you. And you can not turn your back because you are slower and they would hit you in the back......they keep running at you and you ran backwards blocking there a way out of this?

Yes, kill them. The way Magorian said or simply backing while killing them.

And if you don't believe you can handle them just order your troops to follow you while backing and blocking.
but most fun it is when you do your foolish charge into ranks of nords in begin of battle (your troops are still in other side of map) and lose your horse... survivable but you need some luck or good stats.
Well, normally they continue in a line towards your troop while you can kill few of their archers that can't shoot you when you have a shield. :razz: And yeah, it is fun.
I remember my most thrilling moments were when I'd get dismounted by the khergits back when they couched their lances.  Trying to chase down a horse and keep looking all around you so you don't get stabbed in the back was damned hard.  Also the massive adreniline rush when a lancer did charge you- dodge and swing, jumping in ecstasy when you realized you survived, then cursing and swearing because you killed the horse you needed so badly.  Plus, when you finally got a horse, it was usually so beat up one arrow would kill it.  One battle I went through four horses- probably the most exciting battle I ever had.  I miss the old, couching lancers... sorta.
Hope to hell u have a shield that can last a bunch of hits and tell calvary to follow u. they shouldnt be to far from u, they will hopefully come by and kill most of them but tell them to continue to charge after there are 1 or two. If u can't handle a few by urself ur in for a battle way over ur head. 4 or 5 aint to bad, i accidently station all my troops in my city/castle once and forgot cause i was chasing someone. and i went to fight a army of 250 lol. and i had the battle size mod on so it was 250 vs me and my 12 companions lol.but i used ctrl+F4 so i won. but i almost got carple tunnel lol
Yeah, that used to happen to me a lot. Then i just bought a Balanced Sword of War and ive never looked back. 68 arrows of death and then i got my big ass swords to slice and dice.
Tintin said:
Dogukan said:
when you fell of a horse faar from your men, close to the enemy.
3,4 maybe 5 of the enemy is running at you. And you can not turn your back because you are slower and they would hit you in the back......they keep running at you and you ran backwards blocking there a way out of this?
3-5 men. That's hardly a challenge

Tintin said:
THERE'S ONLY 3-5 ENEMIES. You could easily kill them

Of course you can! Just use an overpowered character that borders on cheating with the best weapons and armor in the game! Using the easiest settings also help!
Honestly though, have you never fought three or even four opponents that have superior foot fighting stats than yourself? They usually have more athletics than you if you made a dedicated cavalryman. On the good AI setting they actually try to get behind you if you're slow enough.
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