
I don't know about others, but at times I get attached to certain members of my characters party. For example, my Swadian allied Knight (skilled with the Warsword, the great Lance and the Jousting Lance) has two sword sisters he's had since about day 30 (it's day 96 now), both with different looks, and both who've managed to save the day a few times. Maybe, if certain Non-named NPCs reach the top level and survive for 50 days at that level (and even a random chance element could be added), there could be a dialogue option where your character has the option of asking "what's your name?", at which point the individual gains a name, and is treated like a named NPC character, like Marnid or Borcha. The downsides of making the character named is you have to fill a party spot with this one person, rather then a larger group. The upside is you can chose how their development continues, and arm them yourself.