Thanks Diplomacy creators

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I just wanted to say "Thanks" to the creators of Diplomacy mod. I have won the "Native" few days ago and its kinda boring to re-play. I checked out the forum, and download many mods. Diplomacy is 1 of my favorite mods. The good part is that now I don't have to manually patrol around my villages, castles, and towns. Now, I can appoint a bunch of troops to patrol where ever I want them to. This part really help me so much! Once again, thanks to Diplomacy mod creators.  :lol:
When Warband was released I was disappointed since no extra diplomatic or interactive options were added, I played it for a while and moved on, then I discovered this mod and have been playing M&B:W  ( with this mod included ) ever since ( much longer then M&B:W without the mod ), cheers to everyone who made and contributed to the making of this mod  :wink: 
I would like to add my thanks to Waihti for this awesome piece of work.
It perfectly fits in an area that Taleworlds unfortunately overlooked and that was too simplistic in Warband.

It's so good that for me it is a part of the Warband experience, it feels like if it was what Warband should have implemented natively.

Congratulations and good luck for bug hunting :wink:
Just answering to say indeed, thanks to the creators (Waihti mostly from what I understood) for that good mod and your time spent on it :wink:
Just saying 'Ditto' to the OP. Waihti's done a top job with this, it makes the game feel so much more complete.

Thanks a bunch _b
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