Thank you guys

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For making M&B fun again!  After playing native until I couldn't take it anymore I found this mod and I've been hopelessly addicted ever since.  Just the way it should be!
I recommend this mod highly.  It's got tons of new troops to play with, some cool armor, weapons, horses.  A new big map with new companions.  I like it because it gives you so many new things to do and check out but it remains true to the core M&B gameplay.  It doesn't change everything so much that it makes the game un-recognizable (sp?)  Plus tons of new enemies who are interesting and challenging to take on.  Caravans are a serious fight now as are other lords.  I play without saving and you really have to consider your chances of victory before you go charging in.  So thanks soooo much Saxon and your awesome team!  Can't wait for 2.0.
Ok now that I said that I have a question.
I first installed this game on my laptop while at work.  I created an entirely new character and started a game.  One of the first things I noticed was the great music you added.  I particularly like the kind of haunting almost reminiscing flute type song.  It gave me goose bumps.  So I got home and installed the mod on my desk top which is my main machine for M&B.  I imported my good ole hero from native and started playing and I didn't hear ANY of the new music.  It still played the old tunes from native though.  So I made a completely new character and started another new game and now it plays some of the new tunes but not that one in particular which I love.  Any clue what this may be??
Again Saxon thanks for the top notch work!!  And thanks to your team!
This is easily my favorite mod. I've logged over 1500 days in Pendor so far.


I think I know what song you are talking about. All I can say  is that there is a lot of music in this mod, so just wait a while... I'm sure the song will play again.
Go check to the directory with mod's music, it should be "\Mount&Blade\Modules\Prophesy of Pendor V1.21\Music". There are files in .ogg format, you need foobar2000(the best audio player) or winamp to play them.
Thanks for the kind words mate and I am thrilled that you are having such a good time.

If you take a look in the documents that you downloaded with the mod, or here in the introduction thread you will find the links to the various artists who donated music to V1.21.  Here.. l will just paste them here for you.

Thank you to the "Brobdingnagian Bards,", for allowing three of their performances to be shared in this fashion.  Visit them please.

Very special thanks to Jon Sayles – for sharing his talent with the acoustic guitar and his work in creating and maintaining a historical music compilation.

Composing Credits:

  • John Dowland (1563 - 1626)
    Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)
    Elway Bevin. (1554-c.1639)
    Thomas Weelkes (1575 - 1623)
    Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
    John Wilbye (1574-163:cool:
    Claude Le Jeune (1503 -1600)
    Heinrich Isaac (c. 1445 - 1517)

    John has some very interesting period music he does on his guitar.  A very talented man who records the work of these long gone composers in the hopes that their work will not die out and that people like you and I will use these compositions and recordings and let them live again.


Ok I'll try it when I get home.  I'm at work now with my laptop and ,yes all the tunes are playing.  I wonder if it's because my laptop has windows vista and my desktop has windows xp , and they have different players??  I dunno I'm a trucker and not exactly the biggest computer whiz.  I'll see about getting those players (foobar 2000 and the other one)
I love the tunes though.  There's that one epic tune it sounds like a battle song from Braveheart or something, and when it plays I have to immediately go and smash some fools.  Makes the old blood get pumping!
Thanks for the help as well guys!
The music is one of the best parts of the mod. Nevermind the minor bugs that sometimes cause problems. Try quitting and reloading if the music doesn't start. :smile:
Nah man the music starts it just only plays some of the native music on my desktop.  I was just playing on the laptop a few hours ago and I heard tunes that I never hear when I play on my desktop.  And my desktop is a mean gaming rig too.  Kind of strange but really no big deal.
HUtH said:
Go check to the directory with mod's music, it should be "\Mount&Blade\Modules\Prophesy of Pendor V1.21\Music". There are files in .ogg format, you need foobar2000(the best audio player) or winamp to play them.

You can also just download a Oggcodex to your windows media player, I did.

you get a cool fish icon too  :grin:

Oh, and I'm Adrius btw, never tried this mod but I'm waiting for 2.0, looks awesome.
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