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Sergeant Knight
Hiya, I bought the game a few days ago, so I havent had time to come here and say hi, I decided to retexture some armor using Gimp 2 Infranview and DDS Converter 2, but I got the infamous "Shiny armor" problem, does anyone know how to fix this if you are using Gimp as your paint programme?
shiny amour? That sounds like a material problem to me....check shouldnt be effected by re-skins. All i can guess is that you compiled the DDS wrong.
im not COMLETLY sure this will help you but check out this thread :grin: http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=1572
Thank you Juno, It's that thread that made me want to give it a try, but Its seemed to me that I couldn't get Infranview to convert the BMP back to a DDS :sad:

EDIT: Here is a pic of the shiny armor http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/Busses/Shiny.jpg

EDIT: If I turn off dynamic lighting the armor looks alright, guess Il just have to live without it untill I can get my DDS's to work alright. Here is a link to what it looks like without dynamic lighting http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/Busses/Armor.jpg
thats because you are textureing over an amour with material properties to make it shiney. The material properties come with the mesh and so wouldnt be editable.
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