Texture problem on model

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I just managed to get my first model(nothing fancy lol) into the game.
It works great, accept the texture is plain white, while it should be black.
Anybody got a clue what's causing this?


If you need more info to help me solving this. Just ask!
And thanks in advance.
In my eyes. All I see is a untextured model. Make sure that you have the materials and the texures right iin the brf and the textures in the textures folder and in .dds format
bjorne. said:
In my eyes. All I see is a untextured model. Make sure that you have the materials and the texures right iin the brf and the textures in the textures folder and in .dds format

Like he said.

Make sure that you have named everything EXACTLY correct in the BRF Editor.
I've encountered this problem my self and it was due to, me not naming my materials right etc.
thats right,probably you missed something.
you should check the tutorial on adding weapons
find it,i dont know where it is
if thats a mace and you are using iron_shader it will show up white. Worse if you are using iron_shader_ffp try using the mul_col_alpha_tex if you want it black. Pippins hammer in my mod showed up like that at first because I was using the iron_shader_ffp on it.
Berserker Pride said:
if thats a mace and you are using iron_shader it will show up white. Worse if you are using iron_shader_ffp try using the mul_col_alpha_tex if you want it black. Pippins hammer in my mod showed up like that at first because I was using the iron_shader_ffp on it.

That's probably because your alpha channel was completely white. Iron shader works alright if you have your alpha channel properly defined.
Thanks everybody for the replies. THen i guess i have to rerun the tutorial again to see wether i made a typo somewhere on the way.

Btw is there an easy and quick way to set a certain weapon as a default in my inventory? Saves time to visit the merchants to find my created weapon.
Twisted said:
Thanks everybody for the replies. THen i guess i have to rerun the tutorial again to see wether i made a typo somewhere on the way.

Btw is there an easy and quick way to set a certain weapon as a default in my inventory? Saves time to visit the merchants to find my created weapon.

Add it to Ramuns inventory. (you can always find him in the Tihr tavern.)

Here's the code:

# Ramun Guns
  [trp_ramun_the_slave_trader|plyr,"ramun_talk", [(neg|troop_slot_ge,"$g_talk_troop",slot_troop_met_previously,1)], "How do I take somebody as prisoner?", "ramun_ask_about_capturing",[]],
  [trp_ramun_the_slave_trader|plyr,"ramun_talk", [(troop_slot_ge,"$g_talk_troop", slot_troop_met_previously, 1)], "Can you tell me again about capturing prisoners?", "ramun_ask_about_capturing",[(troop_set_slot,"$g_talk_troop", slot_troop_met_previously, 2)]],
  [trp_ramun_the_slave_trader|plyr,"ramun_talk", [(troop_slot_ge,"$g_talk_troop", slot_troop_met_previously, 1)], "*Shop*", "ramun_gun_trade",[(troop_set_slot,"$g_talk_troop", slot_troop_met_previously, 2)]],

  [anyone,"ramun_trade_finish",[],"Damn you!","close_window",[]],
# Ramun Guns End

Then add all your items to Ramuns troop id i module_troops.
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