That was friggin GREAT and funny movie! I nearly spilled my diet coke all over my monitor when seeing T3 guy in jesus's movie! Great movie, and I always have wondered what it would be like if someone do something like that and now here it is!
However, do you have any more links to more of movies almost like that?
This topic is exellent, but let me give you a small warning. If I were you, I'd go and hide behind sandbag and get prepare for the big possibly of flame war, becase some of these people that I'd call 'extreme christian' will probably get offensed (thats why I disliked these ppl.. they always take thing too seriously ) by this topic.
But no matter, I am giving you a thumb up to this movie!
Hehe very nice indeed, showed it to ma' friends to.
They loved it, but then again, they're crazy, like me = crazy humor = laughing crap outta' anything.
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