Ten ways to know if you're addicted to Mount and Blade

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This will help you know how bad your addiction to M&B is
The ten signs are:
1. If you log more than five hours a day in the game
2. If you find yourself thinking about M&B when not playing
3. If you insist on your friend calling you by your character's name
4. If you squeal with joy when you get the black armor
5. If you had a wet dream about M&B
6. Fantasizing about getting that new weapon
7. Entering over 1000 posts on the M&B fourms
8. Looking on the M&B site every day looking for updates
9. Creating mods for M&B
10. Reading this thread and being seriously worried

Degrees of severity
If you answered yes to..
1-3 Questions, you're not so bad off. There may still be hope to quit (unless you answered yes to #5)
4-7 Questions: You've got it pretty bad. You will have a very hard time quitting and if you do, you will have two or three symptoms listed below.
8-10 Questions: You have no hope of quitting exept from divine intervention, nuclear winter or waking up and finding you've been dreaming this whole time. Then you'll suffer from almost all the listed symtoms.

WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS: You can expect night sweats, depression, nausea, and loss of time. And in severe cases: Sucidal thoughts and complete insanity.

(Just to let anyone who didn't guess this already, this is a JOKE from on fan on the game to another :wink: )
1. If you log more than five hours a day in the game
Whoa I am not THAT addicted. Only play one time: From 14pm to 4am and that's it for me. :grin:

[EDIT] Ok that was a lie, but noone has to know it. Shhhh...
Werecow said:
1. If you log more than five hours a day in the game
I have, but not all the time, COD has precedence.
2. If you find yourself thinking about M&B when not playing
Occaisionaly, but not too often.
4. If you squeal with joy when you get the black armor
First time, yes.
7. Entering over 1000 posts on the M&B fourms
*shift eyes and slowly backs away*
8. Looking on the M&B site every day looking for updates
Updates to forum, yes.

4-7 Questions: You've got it pretty bad. You will have a very hard time quitting and if you do, you will have two or three symptoms listed below.


WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS: .loss of time. yes

(Just to let anyone who didn't guess this already, this is a JOKE from on fan on the game to another :wink: )
*runs off screaming like a maniac.
You left out, sobbing hysterically when your favourite Spirted Charger goes lame (I loved that horse!) and, knicknaming the two most useless guys at work Madrid and Borcha.
Sorry Narcicus, didn't know where to post it.

No need to apologize. - Narcissus

I forgot about marnid and borcha! (probably cause they're so useless :wink: )
11-15. (It gives 5 extra points) You bought the game.

I've got 5 or 6, depends on how you see the 9. At least I've played around with meshes and the editor, and reinstalled M&B because corrupt mods a couple of times.

2. If you find yourself thinking about M&B when not playing
4. If you squeal with joy when you get the black armor
6. Fantasizing about getting that new weapon
8. Looking on the M&B site every day looking for updates
9. Creating mods for M&B
10. Reading this thread and being seriously worried

Okay, I'm not really worried. But at least I read this thread :razz:
Can't say that I'm addicted. I don't play so much that I'll end up being sick of the game. Better to "save" on the game and only play a bit each time a new update comes out :grin:

Currently busy with URW anyway since I just got it...that game's gonna keep me busy for a while for sure.
Werecow said:
This will help you know how bad your addiction to M&B is
The ten signs are:
1. If you log more than five hours a day in the game
2. If you find yourself thinking about M&B when not playing
3. If you insist on your friend calling you by your character's name
4. If you squeal with joy when you get the black armor
5. If you had a wet dream about M&B
6. Fantasizing about getting that new weapon
7. Entering over 1000 posts on the M&B fourms
8. Looking on the M&B site every day looking for updates
9. Creating mods for M&B
10. Reading this thread and being seriously worried


11. When you ask everybody you meet where Marnid can be found.
12. When you have to pull over in the middle of Birmingham and ask someone for directions to Reyvadin.
13. When you insist that your local innkeeper change the name of his pub to "Four Ways Inn".
14. You are arrested for attaking canal boat owners, whom you secretly know to be River Pirates in disguise.
15. When you are disappointed that government officials will not pay you in gold for the heads of aforementioned River Pirates.
16. A walk in the woods involves taking along a dozen of your friends, armed to the teeth in case you meet Forest Bandits.
17. You go to enquire about purchasing a horse and ask for its stats, and if it's heavy, spirited or swayback.
18. You shun your work colleagues or school friends because they won't level up from watchmen to caravan guards.
19. Whenever you enter a store, you ask the manager if they have any job or errands for you to do.
20. You think inns or pubs that contain furniture are weird and unnatural.
8. Looking on the M&B site every day looking for updates
9. Creating mods for M&B

yes, rest no, and i play it max 30 min a day...guess im not :grin:
Good ones Llandy! :grin:

21: When you insist on calling one of your friends who is either good at archery, hiting you in the head with thigs when he is aiming at something else (aka bad shot) or a hunter Borcha.
24. You tell the local innkeeper you'd "like to buy every man who comes in here tonight a jar of your best wine" and give him 1000 gold coins
25. You expect to be able to walk into any establishment without hostilities
26. Having been denied entrance you ask to see a particular person
27. After that failing you try to sneak in disguised in your duvet painted black holding a large wooden staff and several throwing knives
28. After being confronted for a second time you kill EVERYBODY there and run away and "lose them amongst the winding narrow streets"
29. At job interviews you pledge yourself to your future boss as his vassal
30. You always expect to be knocked out, never killed
Drummerman12345 said:
24. You tell the local innkeeper you'd "like to buy every man who comes in here tonight a jar of your best wine" and give him 1000 gold coins
25. You expect to be able to walk into any establishment without hostilities
26. Having been denied entrance you ask to see a particular person
27. After that failing you try to sneak in disguised in your duvet painted black holding a large wooden staff and several throwing knives
28. After being confronted for a second time you kill EVERYBODY there and run away and "lose them amongst the winding narrow streets"
29. At job interviews you pledge yourself to your future boss as his vassal
30. You always expect to be knocked out, never killed

There's about 100 of these threads in Zendar.
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