
Well... i'll slightly change subject, i'll try to put togheter why my character started adventuring.
First off, she is based on one of my characters i've used in P&P roleplay... she is half-drow, though, and since that race has litterally nothing to do with M&B, some changes were in order.
So now she is a human (of course), who has dark skin and white hair. Not for her age, but for a particular form of albinism wich affected only her hair
She is also asiatic in looks, but not TOO so. Some kind of cross-breed beetween a european man and an asiatic woman, or vice-versa.
A little premise: this story is on the same level of the ones i sometime use when i am roleplaying with my group. It is gritty, dark, has mature content (no, nothing explicit, of course), and goes against every single conception of "morality" by today's standards. Bigots *WILL* feel offended, and even open-minded folks might find this story hard to accept. But this is the story of my character... giving her motivations, strenght, and a reason to exist. She is not a "good" character, nor is she "bad"... she wanders into the shades of gray wich divide good from evil. So... go on reading only if you think you can bear it.
Sorry for those needless (?) explanations, and now on to the story, imagining her sitted by a campfire during the night, staring at the stars from a hill:
"It has been... what? ten years since that day?" she was taken in her thoughts, remembering how all started "I was working in the tavern of my parents... i can remember the tables, the spoiled men and women who came spending their last money for a drink, only to vanish into nothingness soon after. Oh, they would be back... they were always back after a day or so... but nothingness is all they were about. Wasted lives... clinging on every day of their existence, with no hope for a better future. I hated them. They were weak... miserable... i was certain i could never endure such a life... i would kill myself before letting ME fade to a shade of what i am. Or so i thought. One day... a very unusual guest came into the tavern... he was well-dressed, and evidently very rich. He presented himself as a teacher for a nobles' son in a town in another kingdom... at the time i did not recognize the word "vaegir". We spoke a little... when i was serving at his table... at the time i was an ignorant little brat" she paused for a second, chuckling, but soon a sad look came down to her face "he told my parents i was... intelligent, and that he could give me a better future... in a powerful kingdom, where i could have become a teacher myself... make money... and make the fortune of my parents, too. At the time... we all believed him." she stopped again... as if trying to get a hold of her sensations... then forced herself to continue remembering "My parents letted me go with him... he even gave them some money... in order to hire another person to aid them in the tavern. I was... too excited to cry... my parents, also, were happy... they were sure i'd find a better future. We were all fools." again she paused... gazing at the women with her... the sword sisters... she had a particular skill at making other women follow her lead... and she cared for each of them... thanking god for each one of them she saved from a life of brutality... "...the same brutality i could not escape. As soon as we left the small village my parents were in i was beaten... i did not understand... i felt pain... confusion... but had no idea why they were beating me. It was because i had never before seen the evil a human is capable of. I was fed with the remains of the teacher's escort lunches... i soon started to prefer eating the insects i could find, instead of food they would spit in... or worse. I was... brutalized, they would have punched or kicked me for no reason at all. Something was starting to move inside me... feelings i never felt before... but i was... too innocent, too hopeful... i... i STILL believed that man would have led me to a better future... how... idiotic of me" now she had to stop again... she could not stop the tears from coming... her was a small, silent cry, before she could again put order in her thoughts "The man told the truth about him being a teacher for the son of a lord in the town of Rivacheg... but i was not intended to become a student... i was a little "gift" for the spoiled brat... he was younger than me... sixteen or so, maybe less... and he looked at me as if i were some kind of worm. This didn't stop him to... take me. I didn't even know at the time what sex was... i discovered it in the worst possible way... each night i was to be brought to that... monster... and i was not the first... i saw other women... two... who came before me... they were strange in my eyes... their belly was big... little did i know that sex has also some kind of consequence. The thing that disturbed me most, though, was the look in the face of those women... it was... empty. I tried, once or twice, talking to them... but they spoke only nonsense... they lost their reason... and for once, i could not find the strenght to hate them for their weakness. The thing i was feeling inside me during the voyage kept growing... i still didn't know what it was... but it gave me strenght. Determination. And that was all i needed to survive in that hell. I sold myself to a guard... it would not have added anything to my horrors... in exchange he letted me hear the lessons of that young noble. For three years i learned with him... the politics... how to speak, how to behave when in the presence of nobles. For three years, almost every night, i was used as a toy by him... but it didn't hurt anymore... wonderful thing is the capacity of human mind to shield herself from horrors, after a while. I also discovered that my belly wouldn't grow... that i couldn't have children of my own. I don't know why... but the thought was... sad. I would have been twice a victim if i had been able to bear life... i realized this... but still... it made me feel sad. During those three years i also understood what was the name of the things that gave me the strenght to endure those horrors. I learned their name... and i started to treat them as friends. My only friends. They were called called Rage, and Vengeance. I started to train myself in my cell. I sold again myself to guards and soldiers... in exchange for their teachings about how to fight, how to kill, how to make my body strong. It was... my first and only passion... and when i started to feel my body getting stronger... i felt joy for the first time in four years. Then... i decided to let my friend Vengeance free... and oh... how sweet was the gift of my friend to me. I started speaking with the man who abused of me in all these years... i tried to befriend him... and the fool even showed tenderness. He told me he was sorry, after some months... that he would soon marry a woman he loved, and my horrors would end as he would let me free. He even promised some money... a house... this all i accomplished only by words... but his reaction... his excuses... promises... made only my Rage grow even bigger. In all those years of excercise i learned much... and i acted soon after the marriage of that bastard. Ten months after his marriage. I invited again a soldier into my room... but this time he would not get what i promised. I killed him with a knife i carved out of a spoon, and got his gear, killing came... naturally, as if my soul craved for it for all my existence. I never wore anything that heavy... but my body made strong by excercise allowed me to wear that armor with almost no problems. I hid his body in my bed... in the darkness no one would notice the difference, or the blood on the ground. The helmet also helped me escape, masking my face, making my voice sound deeper. It was all so easy... i knew what to say, when to say it, and how. But escape was not what i wanted. I even saw a letter on the table of my guard... it was from the noble, i was to be release the day after... given ten thousand gold pieces, a house, and some land to farm. I searched for the money and took them... the house... i would have not had a use for it." she took a moment to smile in the night, there was no more sadness in her look, only grim satisfaction "I drove my way into the house of my former captor... he was outside, hunting deers with small nobility. I found that there was no compassion left in my heart. The woman inhabiting that house never did anything to me... but she was the wife of the one who drove me down to hell. This was enough for me to proceed 'till the end. I found her sitting on the bed... she had her daughter... giving her milk in a way i would have never experienced. My rage did nothing but grow at that thought. I took the crossbow that guard had... and shot a bolt into that woman's chest. I aimed for the lungs... i wanted her to live for at least a bit, but i didn't want her to call for help. The baby fell on the ground... and started crying... there was still no compassion in my heart, but she had another use. She had to live unharmed. For now. I took her and put her in her little bed. The woman was still alive... small bubbles of blood came out of her mouth at each breath... she tried screaming, or talking... but that is difficult when you are drowning in your own blood. I talked to her. I told her all i had to endure during those years. I told her about the monster she married. She... understood. I didn't expect that... but somehow that woman managed to tell me... she was sorry, and to have pity of her daughter. Then she died. It was strange... i felt... guilty. For a second. Then i remembered all that happened to me... and tore her body open, using her entrails as a decoration for the room, abusing of her corpse in such a way even an assassin would feel ashamed. But not me... no... they took me away from my parents, they showed me hell... and for God's sake i would give the favour back. With interests. I took the heart of that woman... and put it against her daughter's body. I did this... with tenderness, to let the soul of its mother be near. In my mind the woman i just killed was the most innocent in that situation, and i hoped she would have found peace in the afterlife. When i heard about the return of the noble, horses and all, i hid myself in the room, taking his daughter with me... pointing a knife at her neck. I felt like... i don't know... a predator. I recall i almost roared in ecstasy, anticipating my revenge. He arrived in his apartment soon enough... i regret not seeing his face when he saw his wife scattered all over the place... if he cried for help at the moment i would have been dead. He rushed, instead, into the room, and found me. I took the helmet away from my head... i wanted him to know why this all happened... and told him not to move or say a word, otherwise i would slit her daughter's throat. The threat made him instantly silent... i saw love for her daughter in his face. If i had seen hatred for me i would have killed him instantly. But i saw... compassion. After all he did to me... he dared to show compassion. I thought with haste about what to do. I threw his daughter toward the wall, with violence. He ran to her... and this gave me the chance to hit him in the back of the head... he fell without a sound. I checked the daughter... she was dead, her neck broken... but to me... it was just a thing... how could a human being be born from a monster such as that noble? How could that noble still be called human? No. They were not human to my eyes... they were... just meat, inferior even to animals, the only real human was the one i killed first. I tied him on a chair... closing his mouth with a bandage. I also tied the corpse of his daughter against him... the scene went as i imagined it... he regained his senses... looked towards her... and then, realizing what happened, produced some muffled sounds that would have been screams, probably. Now i finally saw hate in his eyes... but why? how did he DARE to hate me after all he did to me? I didn't understand at the time... and i still don't understand. At that time... there was only one thing to do... i had to kill him, and get the hell out of there. I did so slowly... carving his eyes out first, and then cutting little pieces of his body, little by little, slowly, trying to keep him alive for the longest time possible. At the end, when i realized he was almost dead... i freed his mouth. He could not have had the strenght to scream anyway. He ranted some incomprensible stuff... then i demanded him to tell me he was sorry for all he did to me. I demanded him to ask for my forgiveness. The idiot had the courage of calling me a monster... of telling me he should have killed me after she had fun with my body the first day. I slit his throat immediately... but not too much has to making him losing instantly consiousness. His death had to be slow and painful. I remained in that house for a while... i went washing myself from all the blood, and took one of the dresses of the woman i killed. They were fine... they made me look like a noble. I liked the thought... Lady ***. It sounded good... i also laughed. I gave a last gaze at the carnage in the other room... then simply left. I took a horse... and fled away... the story of the massacre i made never came out of Rivacheg... perhaps the lord found it too terrible to speak about it. That was fine with me... i didn't want the attention. I also knew that the Vaegir kingdom was at war with another one. Swadia. I didn't care why they fought. I didn't care who was the good guy in that war. I simply knew that the vaegir kingdom had to pay with blood for what happened to me. In these years i found the teacher that took me from my parents... i didn't put much effort into killing him. My company of mercenaries became always more and more famous... and now, after six years since my escape, i became famous. Or i should say ill-famed. They call me the "white-haired witch", the "Scourge of God". But the name i myself letted others know me for was another one. I like it more than anything else... and now most call me simply the White Avenger"
I tried to create a harsh contrast beetween the first half of the story, where she is but a victim, and the second half, where she becomes the "monster". At the end, she just return into a "gray" area... she takes care of the women she encounters... she tries whenever she can to save others from the destiny she had to endure... in the end, she could be seen as a "good" person... who did a monstruosity, yes, but a justified one.
I... like the shades of gray. If someone felt offended by reading this, i am sorry. For those who liked it, instead... i thank you for reading.
First off, she is based on one of my characters i've used in P&P roleplay... she is half-drow, though, and since that race has litterally nothing to do with M&B, some changes were in order.
So now she is a human (of course), who has dark skin and white hair. Not for her age, but for a particular form of albinism wich affected only her hair
A little premise: this story is on the same level of the ones i sometime use when i am roleplaying with my group. It is gritty, dark, has mature content (no, nothing explicit, of course), and goes against every single conception of "morality" by today's standards. Bigots *WILL* feel offended, and even open-minded folks might find this story hard to accept. But this is the story of my character... giving her motivations, strenght, and a reason to exist. She is not a "good" character, nor is she "bad"... she wanders into the shades of gray wich divide good from evil. So... go on reading only if you think you can bear it.
Sorry for those needless (?) explanations, and now on to the story, imagining her sitted by a campfire during the night, staring at the stars from a hill:
"It has been... what? ten years since that day?" she was taken in her thoughts, remembering how all started "I was working in the tavern of my parents... i can remember the tables, the spoiled men and women who came spending their last money for a drink, only to vanish into nothingness soon after. Oh, they would be back... they were always back after a day or so... but nothingness is all they were about. Wasted lives... clinging on every day of their existence, with no hope for a better future. I hated them. They were weak... miserable... i was certain i could never endure such a life... i would kill myself before letting ME fade to a shade of what i am. Or so i thought. One day... a very unusual guest came into the tavern... he was well-dressed, and evidently very rich. He presented himself as a teacher for a nobles' son in a town in another kingdom... at the time i did not recognize the word "vaegir". We spoke a little... when i was serving at his table... at the time i was an ignorant little brat" she paused for a second, chuckling, but soon a sad look came down to her face "he told my parents i was... intelligent, and that he could give me a better future... in a powerful kingdom, where i could have become a teacher myself... make money... and make the fortune of my parents, too. At the time... we all believed him." she stopped again... as if trying to get a hold of her sensations... then forced herself to continue remembering "My parents letted me go with him... he even gave them some money... in order to hire another person to aid them in the tavern. I was... too excited to cry... my parents, also, were happy... they were sure i'd find a better future. We were all fools." again she paused... gazing at the women with her... the sword sisters... she had a particular skill at making other women follow her lead... and she cared for each of them... thanking god for each one of them she saved from a life of brutality... "...the same brutality i could not escape. As soon as we left the small village my parents were in i was beaten... i did not understand... i felt pain... confusion... but had no idea why they were beating me. It was because i had never before seen the evil a human is capable of. I was fed with the remains of the teacher's escort lunches... i soon started to prefer eating the insects i could find, instead of food they would spit in... or worse. I was... brutalized, they would have punched or kicked me for no reason at all. Something was starting to move inside me... feelings i never felt before... but i was... too innocent, too hopeful... i... i STILL believed that man would have led me to a better future... how... idiotic of me" now she had to stop again... she could not stop the tears from coming... her was a small, silent cry, before she could again put order in her thoughts "The man told the truth about him being a teacher for the son of a lord in the town of Rivacheg... but i was not intended to become a student... i was a little "gift" for the spoiled brat... he was younger than me... sixteen or so, maybe less... and he looked at me as if i were some kind of worm. This didn't stop him to... take me. I didn't even know at the time what sex was... i discovered it in the worst possible way... each night i was to be brought to that... monster... and i was not the first... i saw other women... two... who came before me... they were strange in my eyes... their belly was big... little did i know that sex has also some kind of consequence. The thing that disturbed me most, though, was the look in the face of those women... it was... empty. I tried, once or twice, talking to them... but they spoke only nonsense... they lost their reason... and for once, i could not find the strenght to hate them for their weakness. The thing i was feeling inside me during the voyage kept growing... i still didn't know what it was... but it gave me strenght. Determination. And that was all i needed to survive in that hell. I sold myself to a guard... it would not have added anything to my horrors... in exchange he letted me hear the lessons of that young noble. For three years i learned with him... the politics... how to speak, how to behave when in the presence of nobles. For three years, almost every night, i was used as a toy by him... but it didn't hurt anymore... wonderful thing is the capacity of human mind to shield herself from horrors, after a while. I also discovered that my belly wouldn't grow... that i couldn't have children of my own. I don't know why... but the thought was... sad. I would have been twice a victim if i had been able to bear life... i realized this... but still... it made me feel sad. During those three years i also understood what was the name of the things that gave me the strenght to endure those horrors. I learned their name... and i started to treat them as friends. My only friends. They were called called Rage, and Vengeance. I started to train myself in my cell. I sold again myself to guards and soldiers... in exchange for their teachings about how to fight, how to kill, how to make my body strong. It was... my first and only passion... and when i started to feel my body getting stronger... i felt joy for the first time in four years. Then... i decided to let my friend Vengeance free... and oh... how sweet was the gift of my friend to me. I started speaking with the man who abused of me in all these years... i tried to befriend him... and the fool even showed tenderness. He told me he was sorry, after some months... that he would soon marry a woman he loved, and my horrors would end as he would let me free. He even promised some money... a house... this all i accomplished only by words... but his reaction... his excuses... promises... made only my Rage grow even bigger. In all those years of excercise i learned much... and i acted soon after the marriage of that bastard. Ten months after his marriage. I invited again a soldier into my room... but this time he would not get what i promised. I killed him with a knife i carved out of a spoon, and got his gear, killing came... naturally, as if my soul craved for it for all my existence. I never wore anything that heavy... but my body made strong by excercise allowed me to wear that armor with almost no problems. I hid his body in my bed... in the darkness no one would notice the difference, or the blood on the ground. The helmet also helped me escape, masking my face, making my voice sound deeper. It was all so easy... i knew what to say, when to say it, and how. But escape was not what i wanted. I even saw a letter on the table of my guard... it was from the noble, i was to be release the day after... given ten thousand gold pieces, a house, and some land to farm. I searched for the money and took them... the house... i would have not had a use for it." she took a moment to smile in the night, there was no more sadness in her look, only grim satisfaction "I drove my way into the house of my former captor... he was outside, hunting deers with small nobility. I found that there was no compassion left in my heart. The woman inhabiting that house never did anything to me... but she was the wife of the one who drove me down to hell. This was enough for me to proceed 'till the end. I found her sitting on the bed... she had her daughter... giving her milk in a way i would have never experienced. My rage did nothing but grow at that thought. I took the crossbow that guard had... and shot a bolt into that woman's chest. I aimed for the lungs... i wanted her to live for at least a bit, but i didn't want her to call for help. The baby fell on the ground... and started crying... there was still no compassion in my heart, but she had another use. She had to live unharmed. For now. I took her and put her in her little bed. The woman was still alive... small bubbles of blood came out of her mouth at each breath... she tried screaming, or talking... but that is difficult when you are drowning in your own blood. I talked to her. I told her all i had to endure during those years. I told her about the monster she married. She... understood. I didn't expect that... but somehow that woman managed to tell me... she was sorry, and to have pity of her daughter. Then she died. It was strange... i felt... guilty. For a second. Then i remembered all that happened to me... and tore her body open, using her entrails as a decoration for the room, abusing of her corpse in such a way even an assassin would feel ashamed. But not me... no... they took me away from my parents, they showed me hell... and for God's sake i would give the favour back. With interests. I took the heart of that woman... and put it against her daughter's body. I did this... with tenderness, to let the soul of its mother be near. In my mind the woman i just killed was the most innocent in that situation, and i hoped she would have found peace in the afterlife. When i heard about the return of the noble, horses and all, i hid myself in the room, taking his daughter with me... pointing a knife at her neck. I felt like... i don't know... a predator. I recall i almost roared in ecstasy, anticipating my revenge. He arrived in his apartment soon enough... i regret not seeing his face when he saw his wife scattered all over the place... if he cried for help at the moment i would have been dead. He rushed, instead, into the room, and found me. I took the helmet away from my head... i wanted him to know why this all happened... and told him not to move or say a word, otherwise i would slit her daughter's throat. The threat made him instantly silent... i saw love for her daughter in his face. If i had seen hatred for me i would have killed him instantly. But i saw... compassion. After all he did to me... he dared to show compassion. I thought with haste about what to do. I threw his daughter toward the wall, with violence. He ran to her... and this gave me the chance to hit him in the back of the head... he fell without a sound. I checked the daughter... she was dead, her neck broken... but to me... it was just a thing... how could a human being be born from a monster such as that noble? How could that noble still be called human? No. They were not human to my eyes... they were... just meat, inferior even to animals, the only real human was the one i killed first. I tied him on a chair... closing his mouth with a bandage. I also tied the corpse of his daughter against him... the scene went as i imagined it... he regained his senses... looked towards her... and then, realizing what happened, produced some muffled sounds that would have been screams, probably. Now i finally saw hate in his eyes... but why? how did he DARE to hate me after all he did to me? I didn't understand at the time... and i still don't understand. At that time... there was only one thing to do... i had to kill him, and get the hell out of there. I did so slowly... carving his eyes out first, and then cutting little pieces of his body, little by little, slowly, trying to keep him alive for the longest time possible. At the end, when i realized he was almost dead... i freed his mouth. He could not have had the strenght to scream anyway. He ranted some incomprensible stuff... then i demanded him to tell me he was sorry for all he did to me. I demanded him to ask for my forgiveness. The idiot had the courage of calling me a monster... of telling me he should have killed me after she had fun with my body the first day. I slit his throat immediately... but not too much has to making him losing instantly consiousness. His death had to be slow and painful. I remained in that house for a while... i went washing myself from all the blood, and took one of the dresses of the woman i killed. They were fine... they made me look like a noble. I liked the thought... Lady ***. It sounded good... i also laughed. I gave a last gaze at the carnage in the other room... then simply left. I took a horse... and fled away... the story of the massacre i made never came out of Rivacheg... perhaps the lord found it too terrible to speak about it. That was fine with me... i didn't want the attention. I also knew that the Vaegir kingdom was at war with another one. Swadia. I didn't care why they fought. I didn't care who was the good guy in that war. I simply knew that the vaegir kingdom had to pay with blood for what happened to me. In these years i found the teacher that took me from my parents... i didn't put much effort into killing him. My company of mercenaries became always more and more famous... and now, after six years since my escape, i became famous. Or i should say ill-famed. They call me the "white-haired witch", the "Scourge of God". But the name i myself letted others know me for was another one. I like it more than anything else... and now most call me simply the White Avenger"
I tried to create a harsh contrast beetween the first half of the story, where she is but a victim, and the second half, where she becomes the "monster". At the end, she just return into a "gray" area... she takes care of the women she encounters... she tries whenever she can to save others from the destiny she had to endure... in the end, she could be seen as a "good" person... who did a monstruosity, yes, but a justified one.
I... like the shades of gray. If someone felt offended by reading this, i am sorry. For those who liked it, instead... i thank you for reading.