As you can guess, my first and foremost character is based on Robin Hood- he's called William Marlow. He's the son of an impoverished noble who was a vassal of the King Graveth. He had a good education, and chose to become a page for the nobles. He learnt about the politics of the government, but was still very naive about it all- he believed the nobles should look after the people more then themselves- as his father did. Shortly after he finished his education in the government, he became an inherit to his father's land- Sarmish. After his father died beside him while fighting Khergit Khanare, Will suffers nightmares of the war and felt a sudden hatred for bloodshed. Will became obsessed with looking after the people of the village- building mills and schools and lowering taxes on the land. He found his father's bow and started to arch again (which he hadn't done since his father died- he had been given lessons from his father when he was a boy and his proficiency was about 80. When he tries again it goes up to 290- unrealistic but it's a game guys- calm down...). In a short time he becomes a dead-eye. When he is called to Jelka for a council with the King, he finds that Graveth intends to go to war with Swadia. Fearful of the fact this means the young boys of Sarmish will be put into the army, with the village on the front lines William objects.
Graveth knew that William was popular among many citizens and peasents, so decides to try to tame his views. He does this by trying to make Will read the proclomation of the hanging of a young boy Firentis-who lives in Sarmish and killed his own brother out of anger while he was drunk. Will had talked to Firentis before and had seen the redemption and good in the man and as Firentis is being hanged, Will attacks the guards beside him, and shoots the rope suspending Firentis. He shouted "This country is ill and dying- I am William Marlow-the son of Lord Marlow and Earl of Sarmish and I will heal this land from tyranny and injustice!" He made off with Firentis.
They arrive in the forests of the Rhodoks kingdom, where Will fashions the feathers on the arrows of his banner's colours-white and black. He rescued Lethwin Far-Seeker from a group of Forest Bandits led by Rolf, Baheshtur, Borcha with Ymira captured - a romance blosssoms...
- and after knocking them unconscious and tying them up, William lectures and scolds them on how they are robbing innocents when there are people who have money that can be taken and should be given how they are to measily to their serfs, after which the forest bandits feel too ashamed, they join William to help redeem themselves. Will later finds Jeramus who joins up with the partty when he healing a injured Firentis after they raidied a caravan that was taking Jeramus to Veluca.
A few weeks later, Will finds some Forest Bandits trying to take over the village of Sarimish, where Will gains more followers and finds another boy, who's a skilled archer, called Marnid. After hearing how Marnid's family was killed by King Graveth's guards after they had witness him killing a deer in Gragveth's forests.
A month passes and Will finds three men on the run from Yalen-Artimenner, Lezalit and Alayen. William takes them into his camp and fends off the guards. HE finds outs that the three nobles were due to hanging- Artimenner was meant to build new equipment for the local lord, but it was faulty and killed a guard, as Artimenner was due to be taken to the dungeons, Alayen and Lezalit fought the guards after quarreling with them over how they should respect the nobles. While Will takes them in and promises not to harm them-as the rumours of him being a killer are wrong, they agree to stay with him for a short period of time. William decides to have Lethwin Far-Seeker leave for a while with Lezalit ,Artimenner and Alayen. He promises that will keep fighting for a free kingdom and will not rest until Graveth is in prison, or dead. Will makes a special tag that he gives to each of the members of his gang and wears one himself. They all make a p[ledge to free the kingdom of Rhodoks (and the rest of Calradia) from tyranny and oprression, and promise to give back to the poor from the rich and the selfish.
For an idea of what Will looks like:
Bow and Arrows-
The closest thing may be the War Bow, but I wish they did it in a different colour...and smaller
Anyway, the sword is basically a Sabre
Basically the same face, but with a different hair colour- fire image you seee when you scrolle down
Anyway, that's William Marlow, all proficiences are at 390 atm and his "rebellion" is going very well with 800 for Honour and 50000 for Renown I think-I beat an army of 1359 people (war party) and I'm actually on good terms with all villages-yup they're all very supportive. I can't believe that I've spent so much time doing that-just a couple of hours a day-and I'm a teen so, it's all in my right to do so
Atm the costume is just a hood and hunter's jackets-but in my overactive imagination-he's wearing Jonas Armstrong's stuff
Nomad boots OH YEAH the hair's when it's tied back-kinda like a pony tail or whatever it's called.
Ta and I've only just joined
I may post next time about my second character- Prince Gaveth