The "Not yet a Warband mod" is for the benefit of all those people who tried to load PoP 3 for M&B V 1.011 into Warband's module folder and complained because they got error messages. (This is also on the FAQ page, by the way along with the error message you get when you try to load PoP 3 in Warband.)
We are in our second beta test of the PoP 3 port to Warband right now and inching our way towards a third. Had you bothered to use the search function instead of making a new, redundant topic, you would have seen a thread specifically dedicated to the fact that we are porting to Warband.
MV is very busy, as are a lot of us, SD has had to move on from coding to his RL concerns, so it is proceeding slowly but is in process. (Also said by us on the aforementioned Warband port thread.) We also hope to add another coder before too much longer. The port is taking a LOT of time, complicated by the fact that Taleworlds keeps putting up new patches, many of which screw up already-fixed things. Warband is also full of bugs. (We fixed countless V 1.011 bugs in all the PoPs. Merging POP 3 code/M&B V 1.011 code/Warband code is a hideous and time-consuming job.) And, please don't ask when it will be done, or I'll smack you verbally.
Locking this topic for redundancy.