Hello there! I just discovered exploit by accident than won my siege without actually fighting it.
I was about to get sieged when i was waiting in my new aquired castle. But the lords were little bit spread out, so they wouldnt support each other. There was no way i could get to one of them in time without the others participating in battle. But when i clicked on "Leave" from castle, the double click (caused by my broken mouse) ported me exactly to location, where i was pointing with mouse, which was right beside one of the enemy lords. Guess what, i defeated them one by one thanks to this. Its not the first time, i got this teleport with double click several times, when i was leaving the castle.
I have also video footage when i tried to reconstruct the whole exploit.
First take is without exploit. The second take is with exploit.
I was about to get sieged when i was waiting in my new aquired castle. But the lords were little bit spread out, so they wouldnt support each other. There was no way i could get to one of them in time without the others participating in battle. But when i clicked on "Leave" from castle, the double click (caused by my broken mouse) ported me exactly to location, where i was pointing with mouse, which was right beside one of the enemy lords. Guess what, i defeated them one by one thanks to this. Its not the first time, i got this teleport with double click several times, when i was leaving the castle.
I have also video footage when i tried to reconstruct the whole exploit.
First take is without exploit. The second take is with exploit.