Ere the story continues.
Into the fight
Belem lay under the bushes, about eighty meters from the Lion Throne encampment. A few Piedmont gunners could be seen maintaining a haphazard watch, but the area was far from well protected. A low line of stakes, a few men distracted by the battle that waged so near... Nothing his twenty eight men couldn't take.
This close to the city, the booms of the cannon could be heard loud, as well as the constant splatter of musket and gun. The occasional scream of some man dieing could be heard, but in front of them; this unprotected flank had the Lion Thone's field hospital, which served the few wounded that managed to drag themselves back from the fight.
Belem turned back to his second in command, Domazhir, smiling. "The filly fools left their flank unprotected. Twill be an easy task to get some quick loot and get out of here... get the men." The stout Vaegir nodded, and silently slipped back in his tribal warrior clothes. Belem counted the sentries, nodded to himself, and then slipped back as well.
His men gathered around him, a small circle of myriad men that trusted Belem with their lives, to lead them into battle against far greater odds. Some fidgeted nervously while others smiled in anticipation of what was to come. Them, twenty-eight ragtag men, were about to attack an army with nigh a thousand to one odds. "Ok lads, listen up. It is a simple hit and run attack. We'll give them a volley of rifles, mounted, then charge... yes, Adalhard?" Belem turned a young Kaiserlicher, the youth clad in the Cuirassier cuirass of his homeland, whom was grinning like the brave fool he was. "Firing from horseback is harder." Belem rolled his eyes and continued. "Yes, it is, but we need a rapid charge. We shoot standing guards with the first rifle volley. Hop the stakes when you reach them. Once we get inside, we have maybe two or three minutes to get out before the fillys can counterattack. In that time, you guys need to grab what you can carry while riding fast... a large bag of something like salt or grain. After that, get out of there. You might have time to reload you're pistols once, if at all. If you're hit, it's you're fireteams responsibility to get you out." The company was arranged into four-man fireteams. The men around him looked more sure as they digested their information on the attack. Belem continued. "Once you get out, ride right to the point were we set up camp earlier. That's our rally. Got it?" The men around him nodded grimly. "Alright, lets go. In the saddle lads."
A few minutes later Belem sat atop Eric, him and the company hidden by the thick bush. He carefully pulled out his rifle, steel shield hanging by it's straps, and glanced around to the company which followed suite. He leaned forward and whispered to Eric. "Alright, boy, lets kill some bastards." Belem carefully rested his forearm on Eric's neck, and then sighted down his rifle. Eric, for his part, kept his neck firm and steady, but pulled his ears flat in apprehension of the weapon's discharge. Men around him adopted various stances, some good, some unusual, some resting their rifles on branches to get steady.
Eighty yards ahead of him, a Gunther-Piedmont man, clad in leather, sat talking to his friend amiably. Belem slowed and steadied his breath, focusing down the weapons' barrel towards the crude notches. Calm, calm was he. The Gunther man made a sweep of his hand towards the city, and began to laugh uproariously, his friend joining in. Steady... slowly... gently, he pulled the trigger. The rifle cracked in his hands, and those of his company followed suit.
He didn't wait for the smoke to clear to shove his firearm into it's sheath, and charged forward while drawing his pistol. The rest of his company followed suit, and the distance to the camp closed rapidly. The Gunther-Piedmont man was dead, and his friend looked curiously at the man's corpse, not quite yet understanding until he looked up and saw the charging horsemen. He gave out a low bark of surprise and darted for his gun. Belem straightened in the saddle, and aimed with his pistol. All around Belem, charging cavalry and the occasional crack of a pistol discharge. As the Gunner straightened up his aim, Belem fired. The man gave an agonized scream and fell over, clutching his gut.
The stakes, and Eric jumped high, easily getting over the obstacle. Belem sheathed his pistol and drew his Ellisian long war sword, and lifted it high, blade glinting in the sun. A bloodstained doctor ran out of the tent into Belem's way, and the keen edge of the old sword cut deep into his neck. Behind him, Domazhir waved his short war axe manically from the saddle, and jumped nimbly off his light steppe pony. With a grin on his face and murder in his heart Domazhir entered the tent which the dieing doctor just exited.
His company was in the enemy now, what few enemy troops there were grabbing their weapons only to be cut down by blade or shot from the saddle. An Ellisian footman darted out of a tent armed with his shield and sword; Belem showed no mercy to his countryman, cutting down on the man's shoulder as Eric rammed into him. A bullet whistled by his head and he glanced up to see another Gunther gunner starting to fumble to reload. Belem screamed a warcry and charged, and the Gunther man dropped his gun and drew his short sword, swinging for Eric's neck. The steed, however, was better in a fight then that, and maneuvered away in time. Belem's own cut went over, as the soldier was on Eric's left flank. Eric stopped, and the gunner struck with an overhead, which Belem absorbed with his shield. At the same time, Belem cut down, and although the blow was defected by the helm, the blade continued to cut a long gash in the man's chest. Barely drawing his sword back, Belem thrust into the man's gut with a roar, and tore sideways. The Gunther-Piedmont gunner screamed horribly as his entrails were spilled into the open sun.
Looking up from the dieing man, Belem could see his men wasted no time. Eight or so men where slinging large packs on their horses, the dieing clerk crying as he clutched his bleeding side. Domazhir exited his tent, well coated in blood. Further down, he saw brave Adalhard trading blows with a brigadier. Eric jumped forward, and he saw a Cavalryman of the Radiant Cross, fully armored and with lance, turn the corner of the tent lines and charge at him. Belem charged, lifting his father's sword, coated in blood, as the horseman leveled his lance. Both men galloped down an alley of tents towards each other.
Belem lifted his shield to absorb the blow, but Eric leapt to the flank an instant before contact. The lance was easily deflected away, and Eric rammed into the lion throne warhorse, Belem bringing his sword down onto the rider. The warhorse crumpled under Eric's unexpected impact, sending the rider sprawling. An Ellisian footman appeared in front of Eric however, thrusting with his pike. Eric reared and backed up to evade the blow. The Cavalry man stood up, broadsword in hand, whipping it high to cut Belem from the saddle, whom absorbed it on his shield. Belem couldn't tell what was going on in front, but from the human cries that were hear, it wasn't pretty. Again he brought the Ellisian Long War sword down on his opponent's head, but the barbuit easily defected the blow. Belem struggled with swordplay for a few critical moments against the cavalryman, until the crunch of hooves upon bones could be heard from the front. The cavalryman looked down in shock at the Ellisian soldier being trampled to death by this daemon horse, and Belem took the opportunity to thrust into the man's eye-slit. The man cried and fell back, clutching his face, and Belem kicked Eric forward.
It had been so long, a few minutes at least, since they had attacked. He whipped Eric back to see Adalhard kicking his steed into a run, large pack slung over his horse. Belem cried as loud as he could. "Time's short! Lets GO! Ride men, RIDE!" Domazhir finished axing a kara-khitan archer, and started the sprint to his pony. Around him, what men of his hadn't already left turned their steeds and rode out. Eric leapt the stake wall, and Belem glanced around him as his cavalry escaped the closing jaws of the Lion throne. Men were bloodied, blades stained with the lifeblood of men, but all rode well. Domazhir was one of the last over, and arrows flew behind. Before stood the forest, and into it's safe, dark embrace, Belem rode. Into the safe embrace of the wood, fleeing the burning light of the radiant cross.