Tax Ineffiency v1.31

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Think I posted this in the wrong forum the first time.

But last I saw for tax inefficiency tweaks were in the last version of MB: Warbands. I am currently losing 20k denars a week from this crap and it's ridiculous and making my game un-fun.

If someone who is a bit more savvy in programing could post up the new variables that tweak this part of the game it would be much appreciated. I like the idea of tax inefficiency, but it is just too much for me as is. It needs to be toned down a bit for me.

Anyways, I've tried to figure out which variables to change from the old tweak, but the tax inefficiency section of v1.31 is much more complex now and I don't wanna screw it up royally. So if someone can help with this I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!
Save often. When tax inefficiency day comes, load the game, 1 hour before the day ends set campaign difficulty to minimum, wait for weekly wages, set difficulty back. Thats what I do :mrgreen: makes -5k become +5k or something like that.
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