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Perhaps you should add a special kind of music to taverns and have more people there and maybe have chattering sounds in the background to make taverns seem more like they would have been and maybe diffrent interiors
I love bar fights in RPGs. And after having played Sid Meier's Pirates! for a couple of days I think it would also be fun to meet some "mysterious strangers" who might sell you uselful information and give quests.
I'd like to see a lot more hireable heroes in taverns and castles with different personalities. I want it to be possible to, instead of having a large army of dozens of people, have a small party of 4-6 adventurers much like a D&D game. Examples of hireable heroes to find in taverns would be former pirates, bandits, mercenaries, knights, assassins, priests, and maybe an alcoholic guy just for kicks.
Mizkif said:
I'd like to see a lot more hireable heroes in taverns and castles with different personalities. I want it to be possible to, instead of having a large army of dozens of people, have a small party of 4-6 adventurers much like a D&D game. Examples of hireable heroes to find in taverns would be former pirates, bandits, mercenaries, knights, assassins, priests, and maybe an alcoholic guy just for kicks.

A badass alcoholic barbarian. Bare-chested, booze-filled and swinging a thumping great two-handed axe.
DominicWhite said:
Mizkif said:
I'd like to see a lot more hireable heroes in taverns and castles with different personalities. I want it to be possible to, instead of having a large army of dozens of people, have a small party of 4-6 adventurers much like a D&D game. Examples of hireable heroes to find in taverns would be former pirates, bandits, mercenaries, knights, assassins, priests, and maybe an alcoholic guy just for kicks.

A badass alcoholic barbarian. Bare-chested, booze-filled and swinging a thumping great two-handed axe.

I was thinking more along the lines of a useless guy who follows you around for a while if you buy him a beer. He would be level 1 without any useful skills and just sort of follow you around and provide comic relief until the player realizes he's worthless and kicks him out of the group.
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