Targetting Cursor?

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I have one for ranged weapons, but none when wielding a sword/axe/club/etc. Its turned on in the options.
Target cursors for melee were changed to the directional arrows in the last update, I think. That's why they're in the screenshots but not the game. Is it that hard to aim without them though? >>
Well for me, aiming a downward swing generally means a miss unless both the target and I are still. If there was just a dot in front of me (as that is my prefered reticle) that would be perfect.
Is it that hard to aim without them though?

Not when you take a wide swing, like with a baseball bat. When out of nowhere you decide, without consulting yourself, to take an overhead swing or to thrust it would help. :wink:

I was wondering more though because of having seen it in the screenshots.
Actually, I prefer lateral swings. Those swings really don't need aim and as for overhead swings, just look at the fella in the face and say hi. The sword shall fall obligingly in the right place. Stabbing motions I never use as I find them useless and avoid looking down.
Zii said:
Target cursors for melee were changed to the directional arrows in the last update, I think. That's why they're in the screenshots but not the game. Is it that hard to aim without them though? >>
Yes, I seem to recall them from the very early versions of the game, but I didn't find them all that necessary or helpful then.

With more subtle weapons, we could use a targetting reticule for strikes specifically aimed at, for example, different body areas. However, melee combat is working sufficiently well, and although any improvements would naturally be welcome, if it were put on the "Things to do" list, I would think it not high on the list.
I'm having problems with the directional arrows, actually.
Has anyone noticed that the swing doesn't always come out as the arrows shows ? Sometimes I'll have my guy aimed all the way to the left or right of a character to activate a particular swing, but my guy will do something like a stab instead.

Either that or the arrow thingies system doesn't update fast enough to keep up with quick switching of different swings.

Personally, I like the Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy type system.. tap/move in one of the 8 directions to activate a particular swing. Worked flawlessly as you didn't have to do swings relative to where you were facing an opponent or charge up the swing you wanted. Maybe you could have the option to select this method in the future?
i liked that system too, but i doubt it is as good with a keyboard as a control stick. also, it eliminates the ability to use different swings while moving, because charging or retreating or whatever would need you to press the same keys controling the swings. that would make it so that the 2h sword-wielder in front of you only has to use an upward block against your 1h sword while you run away, or the lancer can keep parrying your stab while you try to press forward past the lance tip. that system just can't work very well for this game.
Well all the Jedi Knight games were online pc games with mouse + keyboard for controls, and they worked perfectly.. you only have to tap the direction for like .01 seconds, and not actually have to be running in the direction for seconds so you could execute a right swing while going left or an overhead chop while reteating. That's what anyone who was any good at dueling did anyway.
For Hado, a tip I found on this forum was to hit the shield button and then quickly attack as that updates the direction of your swing.

You look to left probably didn't have time to change the stab which was activated and held down earlier.

Also try looking so far that they are out of sight and then turn back as you swing again way past.

These really wide sweeping slashes works well for me.
It's better to use the change shield button to update the direction of your swing..with the block button it gives a pause to your swings, slowing you down. The AI does the swing direction faking thing a lot, especially the champions. However you can just spam block/parry every time you hear the sword whiff (you hear it when they're about to swing), and you're pretty much invincible.

Another great thing about the switch weapon/shield button is they draw your arm back no matter what, so you can use it to reduce the recovery time of attacks. This way I can get about a 50% increase of hitting speed.. just hit switch right as the weapon makes contact.. excellent for killing someone knocked down or wiping out crowds with quick multiple blows.

It's also what I currently use to correct the wrong swings, say a side to side instead of an overhead, but still it's not always accurate and unreliable in tense situations, say when you just got knocked of your horse and are surrounded by a 5 guys, the directional arrows beging to screw up with so many targets close by =
I kind of miss the targeting reticule for melee too... But I have a feeling it's more because I got so used to having it...
With swords it's not as much an issue as with pole arms on horseback, I miss way more with a couched lance than i used to, but I guess it's a harder skill to hit someone with a pointy stick at full gallop than it is to wave a sword through their general position...

To those that don't like not having it, i'd say give it a go and get used to it.. It is a little more realistic...

To the devs, I'd say, please make one optional...
Don't know about you guys but I like it the way it is.

As for lancing, it got a bit harder from .623 to .632 as the tip started bouncing but it's fantastically realistic and still hits hard. Lancing is quite perfect now.
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