Talk about borcha

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I have notised that alot of you complaining about giving borcha a bow, i have giving borcha a bow and there is nothing erong about that.
You're absolutely right. Charging into the enemy and getting knocked unconscious by Borcha shooting you in the back of the head is quite fun, actually. :roll:
More often though I see messages saying "Marnid was knocked unconscious by Borcha". :razz:

Once he's raised his skills enough (same for Marnid) he can be very useful with a bow; not so much so when his skills are still low.
Try giving Borcha and Marnid close-combat weapons:

--For one game, I started a Merchant character and played him up to level 20. I grabbed both Borcha and Marnid ASAP and gave them both bows. The only combat stats I advanced with them were related to bows. By the time I had reached level 20, I recorded the following stats on a piece of notebook paper:

Borcha and Marnid---
Killed me: 8
Killed friendly troops: 21
Killed enemies: 6 (most of them were lucky across-the-map shots)
Got killed: 19

--Now, I started a new game with a Merchant and tried to recreate nearly the exact situations. After grabbing Borcha\Marnid, I fought the same types of enemies, I wore the same armour, etc. and I played that character up to level 20. EXCEPT I armed Borcha with a double-lance and Marnid with a bastard sword. The only combat skills I raised with them were close-combat related. Guess what?:

Borcha and Marnid---
Killed me: 0
killed friendly troops: 0
Killed enemies: *32*
got killed: 2

I think that settles the issue...
In the beginning, I give them melee weapons, until I can train up their missile skills a bit (I tend to give them javelins or jarid rather than bows). Once they have a few points in throwing and horse archery, I give them missiles.

Seems to work, they seldom hit me when I do that..

What makes these guys worth more than a knight ?

I havent taken either of them yet, as it takes up a slot in my party.

So , what makes these guys worth having ?
I haven't had much trouble with borcha, nor Marnid for that matter, using a bow. Although, i usually shoot them in the middle of their heads when the fight starts :twisted:, because they won't stay when i tell them to(well, Marnid sometimes follows orders, but i still shoot him for fun :twisted:). So that might have something to do with it :smile:

and tkobo, since you can equip them with the armours you want, they can have better armors than other units. That and they have skills which are not that important, but still good to have, like trading and pathfinding.
They are the only characters you can train to encompass skills you don't have or can't level up as far as you would like - id est, healing skills, trading, inventory management, et cetera.
tkobo said:
What makes these guys worth more than a knight ?
Besides what Jerky said, they also can't be killed, the same as you. So you never have to worry about losing them, and it's OK to use them to distract enemies and soak up damage. They'll get KOed, but who cares?

You can level them up to have better stats than a knight.

Quite handy, and a good tradeoff for the used slots in the long run. Just keep your Leadership skill up to snuff so you can have some other decent troops besides just them.
The Borcha i have also has over 400 profiency, and 10 on horse archery, yet he manages to "accidentally" shoot me on the back of my head (Yet again :wink:)
Unless i have knocked him unconcius on the previous battle, that is :twisted:

I have given Borcha a glaive and some javelins.

Apart for the fact that he is really insubordinate by riding off whilst I scream "Hold the god damn line Borcha" after him, he loves to race off and get a few early shots in.

If he isn't knocked unconscious at this time, then he usually finds it in his heart to keep a single javelin just for me.

Felklaw "Borcha, I'm out of javelins. Can you loan me some ?"
You receive 58 damage.
Felklaw knocked unconscious by Borcha.

I shot borcha more often then he shots me...he seems to get into the way of my arrows all the time! :evil:
I gave Borcha a set of Jarids once...

Swadian Sharpshooter killed by Borcha...

Swadian Knight Killed By Borcha...

Borcha knocked unconcious by River Pirate...

Needless to say, he doesn't get Jarids for a little while yet :roll:
Yay! Borcha in my game killed his first enemy with a bow!
That enemy was a.... nobleman! :cry:

I personaly extracted that arrow from the nobleman and stuck it into Borcha's ass :twisted:
NikkTheTrick said:
Yay! Borcha in my game killed his first enemy with a bow!
That enemy was a.... nobleman! :cry:

I personaly extracted that arrow from the nobleman and stuck it into Borcha's ass :twisted:

When that happens I just hit Borcha with my throwing axes, repeatedly, even after I've knocked him unconscious. I think around the eight time he screwed up I actually went to the inventory chest to get more axes so I could continue maiming his body. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I've given Marnid and Borcha their own rifles. They're pretty good shots, too. But you've got to keep an eye on them. Borcha got behind me the other day and shot me stone cold dead whilst aiming at the enemiies coming at us.

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