Altro [TaleWorlds] Volete partecipare maggiormente al forum TW?

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...Il Community Manager della TaleWorlds @Dejan ha aperto la possibilita' a qualunque utente del forum di entrare a far parte di due gruppi:...

- Notable Team
- Forum Moderation Team

...entrambe le cariche richiedono la conoscenza della linue inglese, per cui vi posto il messaggio originale:...

Greetings folks!

Our forum exists for a number of reasons but we all share this platform and have built a sizable community on it over the years with new members joining us each and every day. We appreciate everyone that come to our forums, observe and participate in the discussions, provide various suggestions, feedback and bug reports for our games. Some of you go the extra mile in making our platform a welcoming, constructive or fun place where community members can exchange ideas or pretty much anything else. If you would like to get more involved and contribute to our community alongside other members then consider joining one of the 2 teams mentioned below.

Notables Team

The notables team has been established to recognize and assist community members that participate in or lead various community initiatives. The team of notables assist each other in achieving various initiatives or collaborates on those initiatives. Initatives are proposed by notables themselves or are brought up by other community members. Here's a few examples of community initiatives that were brought up by notables and other community members, some of which are already active or in-progress:

  • Recordkeeping for the history of the MP Scene (tourney after tourney)
  • Organizing interviews with community members: Could include interviews with modders, off-topic members, MP competitive players,...
  • Voice-acting contest (to create an OSP package)
  • Organizing and creating the community newspaper: Summing up various community events and news within the community, creating articles on their own,...
  • Organized streaming team: It would be a way to direct streamers/commentators to interesting matches and events which can provide content & viewers for the streamers, as well as greater awareness and participation for event/tournament hosts. It could also clear the air between established Warband streamers which have had conflicts in the past when it comes to priority and exclusivity for streaming different events.
  • Keeping the summary/feedback threads up to date: Great for pointing the community to the most active and quality threads.
  • Organizing and creating community modding documentation
  • Map-making/scene-building collaboration & mentorship: Collab on things like video & written tutorials, offer one-on-one help to newcomers who are looking to get involved, etc.
  • Curating the front page featured threads: Deciding which threads go on the front page that were made by the community members next to the ones featured by TW.
If you're interested in joining the notables team then send a private message to me or one of the global moderators with a short explanation on what community initiative you would like to create, lead or join and we would be more than happy to hear you out. It's important to note that we also reach out to community members that already lead various community initiatives and invite them on our own accord.

Forum Moderation Team

The TaleWorlds forum moderation team consists of volunteers that care about and serve the Mount & Blade community. Their mission is to provide a well moderated platform that enables people to learn about and discuss the games and company, find the information they seek, keep track of relevant news and events and receive swift support. The moderation team members can also provide unique expertise or insight towards a given matter, set agendas for specific sections of the forums, create effective structures of content and interaction, take care of administrative tasks, help community members with forum-related technical challenges and any other issues that may arise within our community.

The moderation team's structure, roles and members are fully explained and presented in the Moderation Team Roster, Roles and Structure thread. If you're interested in joining the moderation team then send a private message to me or one of the global moderators with an explanation on:

  • Why you would like to become a moderator?
  • Why do you believe you would be a good moderator?
  • What position/area you would like to moderate?
Any vacant positions are always listed in the aforementioned thread but we encourage you to get in touch with us even if there are none listed. The moderation team roles and roster are fluid and adjustable, based on the needs of the community.


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