Taleworlds female stock has been OFFICIALLY divided!

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Grandmaster Knight
Hear hear!

The following states who now owns you, as decided on in IRC and in the process of being decided her.

Rules are:

You may only claim someone less manly, more newbie, and more useless then yourself. Or any women.
You may not claim a member on the list (master)
You may trade with Masters for their harem members (you may offer other harem members, or sexual favors)
If you are claimed, you may not claim members.

Pavlov:  (Merc as secretary of affairs a man) Folthrik, Bulle, Tintin, FrisianDude,(and his beautiful man tits. ) mary, Reenala, Stella, HannahGirl2611, Kobrag, TyrannicWolf, Tralfaz, and Highelf.

okiN:      Llandy, Fawzia [RIP], Bugman, Lady Tanith, Jhessail, Hidro (and her bf with the creepy peen vein), Stormith.

Alex:          Calandale, Fall of Denial, Ruthven, Swadius, TITANAS84, Redcoat-Mic, flawless_scars,  Sulibres, Tzsak, Serkazan, D'sparil, Silver, Sara, Narcissa, Hershey and Lep's sister

Mage:        Tharathos, Seff, Lost-Lamb, and TehGherkin

Soil:           Merl's sister, Selothi, Anarion, average joe peasant, McFudge, Lyze, Teala and rabipotatoe

Seff:   Possibly female   

Lhorkan:    Locke [now minus his virginity]

Winter:      Hietala

Buxton:      Tostig

Tiberius Decimus Maximus:     1x1General1x1, Warlord, Darkstar707 and Mabons, Ambalon, Venitius

An4Sh:  Morgoth2005, Austupaio, UnholyNightmare, Sibylla.

Weren:   Yeomann (officially raped), Nethros, Jglx, hyperion, Kazzan, Vadermath, Pesja, AWdev, Lux.

iamahorse: omzdog

AK47: Troll

: Venitius

rejenorst: ComingWinter

Note:  Seff will also be equally borrowed by everyone on the forum, and Raz is to remain untouched, only looked at.

Trade update: Swadius was traded for Silver and a ********.
                        D'sparil was traded for Hietala.
                        Hietala leased to Winter, on conditions of return upon Seff's request.
                        Lep's sister has been leased to Pavlov for two weeks in exchange for Swadius.
                        Seff donated lyze and teala to Soil, for undisclosed reasons and/or services.
                        Redcoat-mic and Hershey traded for Serkazan.
                        Higro+boyfriend, hyperion and Stormith seized from Alex by okiN in a cattle raid.
                        hyperion given freely to Weren.
                        Rev. LL traded Tzsak for Silver and Lady Tanith with Seff.
                        Lost-Lamb has lost all his stock due to him having his man license revoked, Lost-Lamb is now officially a woman
The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:
I am offering Hietala and Silver up for trade.

You can have Swadius in exchange for Hietala. :l

Also: Soil, I'll get back at you yet. >:l
Why is bugman on that list?

EDIT: So I'm guessing you accidentally placed him with LL's fems instead of giving him his own?
Lhorkan said:
The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:
I am offering Hietala and Silver up for trade.

You can have Swadius in exchange for Hietala. :l

Also: Soil, I'll get back at you yet. >:l

you don't own swadius *******. So thus, can not trade it. Plus Hietala is a package deal with Silver.
Lhorkan said:
Also: Soil, I'll get back at you yet. >:l

What do you mean? Oh, YOU wanted merl's sister? Dibbing her before me isn't enough, I'm afraid.
Leprechaun said:
[23:12] <@Llandaryn> Can I have Lep then?
[23:12] <@Llandaryn> Just Lep and maybe Buxton

Llandaryn> No, I have Seff
Lost-Lamb> I get Seff too, I proposed to him yesterday
Pavlov_away> Seff can be shared by all

Leprechaun said:
I hope you have lube :razz:
I have the tears of my lovers :smile:

I offer Swadius up for trade, used condition. Plumbing is okay, slight damage - nothing you won't see on a well-used specimen.
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