Taleworlders' Top Tips and Wonderful Words of Wisdom

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Better advice is to just never fight a land war if you can help it. Those things are just meatgrinders these days.
Seff said:
Wise words of the day: Don't shove things in asses that you're not sure you can get out again.

But if you get something stuck in there anyway try to use your imagination at the emergency room.

Instead of using the same old boring story about how you were on a ladder putting up new drapes while naked and then fell upon a cucumber that happened to be on the nearby coffee table tell them about how you were running naked through an alley, slipped on some loose gravel and landed in a neighbor's cucumber patch while pursuing a peeping Tom.
Always prepare yourself mentally for what is to come; if you have a car, prepare yourself for the inevitable crash.

Small careless mistakes in the past can turn into huge problems that bite you in the arse when the time comes.
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