take rescued prisoners as prisoners

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I think you should be able to take prisoners rescued from another party as your own prisoners. Right now you always have to set them free or let them join your party. I don't want swadians in my party and I dont want to set them free :lol:
Hmm. Good idea. Taking that a bit further, how about the ability to add captured enemies to your party?

"Fight for you or get sold as a slave ? I'll fight for you I guess."

Maybe give them a permanant morale deduction... Good for quick armies on the road, but you might not want to keep them around.

Would tie in pretty well with the ideas in this thread.
Have the option of either take them prisoners, force them to fight for you (morale reduction), or offer them a place in the army with pay etc (no morale penalty, but X amount of prisoners may reject the offer and this offer can only be done once per stack)

Basically give the player options of being a cruel or benevolent player :razz:
I like the idea of recruiting slaves and enslaving recruits.

Of course, both should be worthy of morale drops.
Well, this game does seem to borrow from (or at least remind me of) many classic games including Pirates! I recall there being some motivation to getting through your voyages and dividing the plunder as quick as possible because morale would constantly be going down, only temporarily spiking when some victory landed a pile of booty in your lap. The longer you were out, and the smaller the gold per man ratio the faster morale would tend to go down.

Assuming we're playing freebooters, not landed nobility, that mechanism would work wonders for adding a bit more urgency to our questing. Coupled with a high score/career summary at some end point (player killed or retired or, perhaps, you could even set an arbitrary time limit) you'd have some goal, at least, to play towards.

To the extent morale was made a central consideration then where you got your men from and the quality of your men could all play into the gameflow. Say lowered base morale for "forced" labor (prisoners pressed into service or "drafted" peasantry/refugees of a friendly faction). Lower caste units should have lower morale to start with and the party might take additional hits where casualties are concerned.
On the same subject, why can't I attack refugees? Every now and then I just want to be evil....

How about a "Force Attack" type option, so you can attack anything you want?
Agreed. Killing wandering peasants and refugees should be an option.

And also, it would be good to have an option to force refugees as your soldiers. If they wont do that, fight kicks in. If they do, you get few extra soldiers.
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