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I've been playing this mod for awhile and I love it a ton. I saw the patch for .58(something) and I'd like to update, but I'm unsure how. Is the patch it's own playable file? Do I need to copy certain files over? Which ones?  Please have mercy on me, I'm not tech savvy and I don't want to mess up my precious. Thanks!
Read the bloody FAQ what have been stickied on the forum board! Being a newbie is not an acceptable reason for not going through the basic process of self-searching for answers already painstakingly provided by others!

Jinnai said:
Next, if there is a patch, open it.  Again, you should see a Native Expansion directory inside the file.  Drag and drop that directory to the Modules directory again.  You should see warnings about files with the same name.  Choose to overwrite them all.  Presto, you should have the installed and patched Native Expansion installed.

Arrrr! Have fun!

Well, I saw that, and quite frankly it did a bit to confuse me. I have a folder called "NativeExpansion-090220", which is the old version I've been playing, and one called "native_expansion". Inside the 090220 there is a folder called "Native Expansion". Do I replace the third one mentioned with the second one mentioned?
Your folders should look something like this:

C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade\Modules\Native Expansion\

Within that folder should be all the txt files along with the subdirectories of the mod. The latest patch compilation, however, contains no folder so I guess that makes the FAQ slightly more out of date (my bad, since I've only just downloaded the patch). What you do is extract all the files in the rar into the folder specified above and overwrite everything.

P.S. Merc had uploaded a replacement for the patch because the first upload was broken, so you might want to redownload it in case you've got the broken version earlier.
I extracted the patch into a new folder, so do I just copy the patch files into the actual mod file and overwrite the older ones?
Megazero34 said:
noobs are UN WEL COME in this mod  :shock:!! mostly cuz people like me dont want to read " OMG IZ TOO HAD MAK EZUH" this mod is for people who know what the hell they are doing in NATIVE. thus it is called NATIVE EXPANSION. which means HARDER.  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

edit: when the hell did i go down from regular to recruit....
Because you posted this bull****.

****, I still don't get why you post **** like this while still being new.
Whatever. Regarding forum ranks: click me
Forum search is for people who know how the hell they are supposed to use a forum.
No, it's just a measurement of the total amount of time you've spent on the forum. It has nothing to do with a per-day basis.
Forgive me for posting this, jeez. Thing is, I did what amade said the first time around and it gave me errors on the... something like the RGL. I wanted to use this topic to get some help on making sure I put the patch in properly, because I kind of want to play the updated version, which, by the way, is giving me the errors again even when (going by what amade said) I installed it properly.
sonerohi said:
Forgive me for posting this, jeez. Thing is, I did what amade said the first time around and it gave me errors on the... something like the RGL. I wanted to use this topic to get some help on making sure I put the patch in properly, because I kind of want to play the updated version, which, by the way, is giving me the errors again even when (going by what amade said) I installed it properly.

What does the error say exactly? Can you take a screenshot of the error? You mentioned earlier that your folders were in a different place so I'm guessing you moved 'em and it might be about missing textures or similar.

Wellenbrecher said:
Regarding forum ranks: click me

That explains why my rank jumped a spot :razz:
I'm pissed. I lost the flag on my lance, which means I can't identify my posts as the ones with a blob of black, white, shades of gray with a splotch of red above them.
Amade: It's just been a little popup that comes up after Mount&Blade spontaneously crashes. It says something about an RGL Indexing error and then closes itself. I've also been getting alot of those red texts about something being wrong with the troop codes.
Yes, but an exact wording of the error or a screenshot of the error dialog would help making troubleshooting easier. Though I've never heard of an indexing error before. I would suggest that you start over clean by deleting the mod folder and reinstall ver .550 and then reinstall the latest patch. Just to be safe, do redownload the latest patch before installing because Merc had initially uploaded a broken patch and you might be trying to install that.

As for troop codes/script error those are bugs within the mod itself. If you encounter it again post a screenshot of the error messages (CTRL+Insert in-game) and post 'em on the bug reports thread. Though I'm wondering how you could encounter these error messages if you couldn't start the game in the first place :???:
amade said:
Read the bloody FAQ what have been stickied on the forum board! Being a newbie is not an acceptable reason for not going through the basic process of self-searching for answers already painstakingly provided by others!

Jinnai said:
Next, if there is a patch, open it.  Again, you should see a Native Expansion directory inside the file.  Drag and drop that directory to the Modules directory again.  You should see warnings about files with the same name.  Choose to overwrite them all.  Presto, you should have the installed and patched Native Expansion installed.

Arrrr! Have fun!

Dont be such a jackass to the newbie ?
X-Warrior-X said:
Dont be such a jackass to the newbie ?
1. amade's right. Most of the things asked can be found without effort.
2. amade answered all his questions and helped him.
3. the real jackass answer has been deleted and was by someone else.

And here's a protip: read the whole thread so you can nag on the right person.

amade said:
Yes, but an exact wording of the error or a screenshot of the error dialog would help making troubleshooting easier. Though I've never heard of an indexing error before. I would suggest that you start over clean by deleting the mod folder and reinstall ver .550 and then reinstall the latest patch. Just to be safe, do redownload the latest patch before installing because Merc had initially uploaded a broken patch and you might be trying to install that.
Or start with a clean install of your entire copy of M&B. Just to be safe and so on.
Pellagus said:
Can I just say that as someone who isn't the most technically minded person even I managed to install M&B NE all by myself. *proud*

that was me before i started playing phantasy star online blue burst on schthack... the hacked server.... it teaches you alot  :neutral:
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