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Ok you have 20 troops they have 80

You start battle with a advantage of... -10 say, that means (I think) they spawn with 30 soldiers you spawn with 10.

More tactic skill = that the battle advantage would go down to 0 (lvl 10) so you both spawn with 20 troops.

(I think)
killop5 said:
Ok you have 20 troops they have 80

You start battle with a advantage of... -10 say, that means (I think) they spawn with 30 soldiers you spawn with 10.

More tactic skill = that the battle advantage would go down to 0 (lvl 10) so you both spawn with 20 troops.

(I think)

Ah that makes sense. Sounds quite usefull.
It should determine hove many men you can field at the start of the battle, do you get reinforcements and hove many. if you have the advantage it should also give you peter startting location in battle.

I hope that this helped :smile:
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