Tabbed Inventory

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Fairly simple yet I don't think it has been mentioned yet.

The ability to have inventory have tabbed sections would be great, especially for merchants.

Instead of scrolling down to get to the swords section of the smithy, you could have a row of tabs along the top...


That sort of thing.

Might also be useful for the players inventory as well.

It'll make it a bit easier to sort through the loot :smile: :grin:
I like the idea but I think 5-6 tabs are too much. For weapon shop, I suggest melee / ranged / shields. And for armor shop, helmet / armor / boots&gloves.
IMO, not to ruin your idea or anything... but i dont really think you need it tabbed causer lets face it you hardly carry lots of stuff even with inventory 10 so i think it would just be pointless... i mean for a game like morrowind where you can actually carry a decent amount of stuff, yes but Mount and Blade? No sorry, pointless
I actually like the idea. Also, how about tweaking the Inventory Management skill to be a bit more like Guild Wars?

Sure, you can have level 8 inventory management, but that doesn't make the bag you're carrying your stuff in bigger.

How about... the higher the I.M. skill, the more bags you can carry? Your starting bag carries 15 items, or something like that. Every other bag you get gives you another 5 slots, and at the top of the inventory screen there's a Tab to bring up the bag inventories.

So, you press I to bring up your inventory. There are 4 tabs along the top of the screen, which say -

Inventory \\\ Bags 1-3 \\\ Bags 4-6 \\\ Bags 7 & 8

Each I.M. level increases your bag limit by 1, instead of your inventory size by 6. You can buy additional bags from merchants.

^^^ :grin: ^^^

Maybe, at a Weapons Vendor, you could have tabs like so -

Swords \\\ Axes \\\ Polearms \\\ Shields \\\ Ranged

At an Armor Vendor, maybe they could be like this -

Helms \\\ Body Armor \\\ Gloves \\\ Boots

At a Merchant, you could have these tabs -

Merchandise \\\ Horses \\\ Materials

Explanation of Merchant tabs ---

Merchandise - Things that aren't used to craft things, such as fish, dried meat, oil, salt, flour, etc.

Horses - A tab for a horse, of course.

Materials - Things that are used to craft things, such as iron, tools, velvet, etc.

Of course, these are just a crazy mans ramblings... so... yeah... mmhmm. yakslapfest!
A tabbed inventory would just cause an unecessary amount of clicking -- that would become rather annoying rather quick. Besides, inventory boxes are x per page, so that would set an artificial limit to the amount of each type of good you can carry.

The idea of tabbing through bags rather than type of goods is better, although I fail to see how it would be any more helpful than the current system.

Furthermore, should the range of goods expand (in the future) which might be hard to classify and require ever more tabbing.

So, I think the current system is fine as it is. The only exception I would consider would be a separate tab for horses -- but only if horses become "inventory-increasng" rather than taking up inventory space.

Otherwise, the tabs should be limited to Ingolfis' suggestion -- tab to the party, character & quests screens (and, perhaps in the future, some log or documents screen).
The ability to have inventory have tabbed sections would be great, especially for merchants.

The original idea of Blackspirit was to have tabs for "merchants". It may not be necessary for player. But merchants have a lot more items. You people have missed the spot.
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