Syracuse - Scene in progress

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Syracuse Virtual Video Tour




Syracuse was especially very strengthened ( pure work of the Corinthian settlers ), and always a strategical place.
It will become bigger later, during the romain reign and the flavian dynasty.
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Hm. Its a lot smaller than I expected...

There's a lot of space in between those walls though, and he is zoomed out a lot- just see how small the battlements look. I think it'll be easier to appreciate when buildings are in.

EDIT: comparing with the drawing it was based on, the main landmass is a bit narrower, although I don't think it'll be too small.
From back when I was researching Syracuse, I found that most of the buildings of significance that we know about today are in that area that Ealabor has got walled off, so I imagine this will work, though I agree it'll be nice to see some buildings set up to get a better idea of the whole thing. By the way, E, are those posts I made still floating around, do you need me to repost anything? Also, are you by chance making a unique scene for Polichne? :smile:

edit: haha, nevermind about that first question, I see you bumped the city layout research post to the front. :razz:
Zima said:
Also, are you by chance making a unique scene for Polichne? :smile:

I have no idea where that is  :smile:

DanAngleland said:
There's a lot of space in between those walls though, and he is zoomed out a lot- just see how small the battlements look. I think it'll be easier to appreciate when buildings are in.

EDIT: comparing with the drawing it was based on, the main landmass is a bit narrower, although I don't think it'll be too small.

Yeah, I dont really have enough space to try and work with any historical buildings.

For the most part I have to freestyle the scene, because judging by the scene size to represented land mass, its a 1/4th or 1/5th scale

I think though that some folks will appreciate the scene. I should have it done today
ealabor said:
I have no idea where that is  :smile:

Yeah, I dont really have enough space to try and work with any historical buildings.

Read my post on page 3 of the City Layouts thread again for Polichne. :wink:
It's a shame you won't have the space for the historical buildings, I was vainly hoping all the research I did would help turn Syracuse into a 268bc crown jewel, oh well, next version. :lol:
Zima said:
It's a shame you won't have the space for the historical buildings, I was vainly hoping all the research I did would help turn Syracuse into a 268bc crown jewel, oh well, next version. :lol:

I wouldnt say that I haven't put the research to use. I really had no idea about the layout of the city till I read it, and learned of the Island citadel, the colonization on the mainland, and the cliff next to it, as well as the salt marsh in the vicinity etc.

Some things though I will be restricted to such as mentioned the scale, and the tone of the buildings for example, which would have an impact directly on the Temple of Hieron II

Of course you've yet to see the city, so you might still appreciate it as a jewel.  :wink:

You're right, I'm sure when I'm looking at the final product it'll be pretty spectacular, even with a Carthaginian building it, haha. :mrgreen:
Fantastic composite E, I approve.  :grin: I dare say this scene might lure some more votes to Syracuse in the "Which faction are looking forward to playing as" thread. (That or put the city higher up on people's "places to pillage" lists, haha)
Yeah I went with a different style for Syracuse.

The streets are alot narrower, as compared to Carthage for example. It's a lot less spacious, and subsequently gives it a fuller feel.

In terms of defense, the main wall is alot wider, allowing for a thicker clumping of infantry for defense. Given that the streets are fairly narrow, it should allow for some interesting lengthy blockups while the attacker tries to work towards the Island
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