Sword of King Harlaus

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Hey everyone!

Loving this mod!

In the ruins of Uxkhal,the description mentions a Sword of Harlaus to be found here..
After several tries I have found 3 chests so far..only stones,darts and coins.But I've failed to find the last chest..
Has the sword been implemented into the game yet?
If yes,can anyone give me a hint as to where is the last chest ? :oops: :sad:
Quintillius: This guy is telling you secrets.

when you first spawn in go left you will find a statue and a sword is near it, that is the last chest.
Dratinire said:
Webejj said:
when you first spawn in go left you will find a statue and a sword is near it, that is the last chest.
A statue, and a couple of banners only mate :sad:
There is a sword with a glow around it on the floor somewhere near the statue
Could you please give us some hint about the new location of King Harlaus' sword? I've been searching the whole ruins of Uxhal without any success :sad:
I've gone over those ruins and their surroundings with a finetooth comb, and still no Sword of Harlaus II... Just what am I doing wrong, what did I miss? Where to look? HEEEEEELLLLLPPP!!! PLEASE!!!  :cry:
It's there, I'm not going to spoil it, but keep looking. I didn't find it too hard too find, although I haven't found the other chests.
Quintillius said:
There is still the glow. However I raised some hill right before. :wink:
I saw a glowing staff, glowing helmet, and a glowing.. pottery? Is there any purpose? I don't know what to do with them :lol:
You should do the Hagia Sophia quest in Europe 1805 vII, mod for old M&B:

-> Walkthrough of the Hagia Sophia Mission
I find it hilarious other users here called the Sword of Harlaus the Butter sword, because a common nickname/joke about Harlaus is that he's "Harlaus the fat," due to the constant and bizarre amounts and timing of his feasts.
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