Great job, man! Map is frakkin awsome. Everything going in right way. But... I have some suggests and questions.
1. Change font for Warlords logo, its not good reading right now. Gothic style is ok, but dont push too much, man.
2. More banners! (but dont put emblems of novadays countries, like Polish white eagle ;p I'm Polish, and i think its look hilarious when I see my national embles as Marinian banner
, so maybe search for medieval and ancient banners?)
3. Fix factions banners, put asian looklike to Khergits and Zerrikanian, european lookslike to other groups.
4. More names for villages? ;p Well im fantasy writer (begginer, but i already got finished few stories ^_^) so maybe I help you to create some names? Expecialy, to create factions sounds like, beacuse many cities got so diferent names... like some Antarian - Portadus, Baylake, Athaen, on sounds like from ancient Rome or Greece, another like english city, third one like german town... each one is on Antarian teritory, so what kind of faction it is?
5. More forests, grass lakes, palms rivers, bridges and maybe random objcects on stategy map (just as decoration)
6. There will be strategy advisor?
7. Add Combat Animation Enhancement (of course if author will get you green light), its better than original. And fix animation for long spears, Marinian looks to me like Swiss Medieval Army, whose use same weapons and tactics. So, if you fight so long spear as Marinians, you march with blade towards to enemy. Thats the reason why Marinians troops looks strange, when they towards you - they dont aim long spears front. And one more thing, muskets are marked as spears, so soldiers
catch them by one hand, looks strange, so maybe fix this, to be like crossbow, in two hands? [and loading guns animations looks too slow than reallife]
8. Fix towns scenes? ;p
9. Add firearms units to trees? I dont know their already in Warlords, but if they not, maybe change that? If hero and NPC can use it, why not an army? Of course, firearms are expensive, so only well payed units should use it. Maybe some bandits too, but like random weapon? (for diversification gove them lots of common bows, crosbows, guns swords etc?)
10. Are you look for someone whose draw graphic? SoD factions needs "faction symbols" as original factions (you know, tiger, wolf, panther, eagle, hawk + faction weapons, shields, helmets)
11. More sounds? Expecialy for guns, 3 sound its not enough. (good think is add sound "Fire!" from movie "Patriot" by Roland Emmerich when gunners will take fire ;D)
12. In future will be added siege weapons? Like catapult, trebuchete, cannons?