Swadians overpowered?

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Anyone else think the Swadians are overpowered? Most of their troops seem to have plate armours, and my companions, who have no problem dealing with other factions (15 men vs 100+ :razz:), always get knocked down by Swadian ironclad knights or men-at-arms shortly after engagement .........  :shock:
It's the horses that make them so good. It's technically balanced out by the fact that the player will be spending thousands and thousands of gold to keep just a few decently tiered guys around, but not so much for the AI.  :???:

But nerfing their power might be too much. It's a shame that AI lords can't go bankrupt. Then the challenge level of the mod could remain pretty much the same except the lords wouldn't carry around so many 1K a week troops.
Swadians are fine, but how do u appoarch them w. ur companions?
Head on Swadian Knights with Mounted Lancers companions meant suicidal. I fight Swadian army with my archers-infantries army.
Companions have high attribute and weapon skills anyway, so remember to switch their weapons accordingly to ur opponents
Arzeal said:
Swadians are fine, but how do u appoarch them w. ur companions?

Well I found a new tactic that could sometimes work - I retreat to near the border, call everyone to unmount, and hide behind the horses. When the ironclad knights charge and get stuck between our horses or hit the border, my companions would show up to hack them into pieces. :grin: Then the rest is all hand-to-hand combat on foot :wink:
Swadian armies were very powerful in 0.93 because their units ended up as cavalry when upgraded, so they had lots of cavalry because when lord's parties were created they would get lots of exp to upgrade their units right away. In 0.94 I fixed that and now Swadian (and other armies) contain fewer high tier and elite units and should be easier to deal with.

Heh I just upgraded to 0.94 and noticed that. Their ironclad knights still pwn my companions even on foot though (siege battle) ..... :razz:
Chel said:
Swadian armies were very powerful in 0.93 because their units ended up as cavalry when upgraded, so they had lots of cavalry because when lord's parties were created they would get lots of exp to upgrade their units right away. In 0.94 I fixed that and now Swadian (and other armies) contain fewer high tier and elite units and should be easier to deal with.

And I still wonder why you haven't divided the troop trees in to 3 main branches for each faction...
It makes little sense for an archer to be upgraded to a cavalryman only to be upgraded to an even better archer (or Ranger)
Cherokee is right. I remember in EGII, for example, Vaegir foot troops (infantry and archers) would upgrade into Rangers of Reyvadin which were basically combined infnatry and archers, and mounted troops would upgrade into Horsemen of Reyvadin, which were combined medium cavalry and horse archers. When I played with Vaegir troops in EGIII 0.91, all troops would upgrade to mounted Horsemen of Reyvadin, then the Horsemen would upgrade to unmounted Rangers of Reyvadin :sad:
Nameless One said:
Cherokee is right. I remember in EGII, for example, Vaegir foot troops (infantry and archers) would upgrade into Rangers of Reyvadin which were basically combined infnatry and archers, and mounted troops would upgrade into Horsemen of Reyvadin, which were combined medium cavalry and horse archers. When I played with Vaegir troops in EGIII 0.91, all troops would upgrade to mounted Horsemen of Reyvadin, then the Horsemen would upgrade to unmounted Rangers of Reyvadin :sad:

I'll look into it.
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