Swadians or Vaegir'ians?

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Any difference between the two that anyones noticed? I did notice that Swadian Smithy's tend to sell Heavy armour and beafy Weapons, where as Vaegir Merchants sell fast horses and good bows... but i may have just been the time i happened to talk to them :smile:

and something else: is there already some hint why they are at war?
I want to be sure I join the evil side! :twisted:
Bob Swadian: I'm bored
Bob Vaegir: Me too
Bob Swadian: ........
Bob Vaegir: ........
Bob Swadian: I hate you
Well, it would kinda be like LOTR if Gondor had conquered rather than allied with Rohan, and at a later date Rohan had rebelled, that's the basic premise for the war, Swadia had ruled over all of Calradia at one point, including the eastern lands of the Vaegir, there was a civil war later on, and the Vaegir nobility decided it was a good time to revolt, then figured they'd make matters worse by forming their own kingdom and invading the remnants of the Swadian kingdom, which they couldn't quite pull off, resulting in the stalemate you see in the game.

Zendar I'm guessing was supposed to have broken away too, but formed their own neutral princedom rather joining the Vaegir. Then there's the cities which haven't been implemented yet, about 8 of them I think.
I see Zendar as powerful trade-based citystate, much like medieval Flanders or any number of Italian cities. It wouldn't have been difficult for them to revolt when the Swadian regime stabilized; their wealth and status as a port city would have made it easy for them to summon large numbers of mercenaries.
I picked the Swadians

If you look, lower ranking viegers have fur and clubs. Knights have warhorses and maille hauberks, and axes.

Swadian lower units have, padded cloth and leather, swords and axes. Thier knights have charger horses with full plate armour, lances and better axes, and thier units are tougher to kill. Thier men go up espicially fast. you can have 10 knights in 10 mins if you keep finding mountain bandits and what not.

I got full blcack armour and i usually account for half the enemy force, i have a heavy fighting axe (onehander axe, 35 damage!) and a steel shield. I can get into a crowd and keep backin up and have them chase me and kill 15 of em before they know they is dead. and when you have full mounted forces, oo oo oo ,thats fun! foot soldiers are leveled in a second or 2

I love this game and cant wait till the new version comes out.

Dark knights, well, fought em, killed em, lost alot of men to em, hate em. They attack anything. I saw 14 Dark Knights chasin a viegir war party (113 men for gods sake!)

Its funny to see farmers kick thier asses.

If Swadia is the invader than I won't get the crazy Romanian armor and I won't get to play Prince Vladislav Drakul? Oh well. This game blows my puny mind anyway.
Hey, I'm just going on what it says on the intro_text in Mount&BladeModsNative, Swadia is supposed to be the one getting invaded after a civil war/barons revolt...

Who knows, the story will eventually be expanded I'm sure...just hope they put some Monty Python lines in there somewhere...so maaany applicable uses...especially in the peasants lines… :grin:
Swadians have crossbowmen and marksmen. It's nice to attack vaegir prison trains and have any crossbowmen they're carrying join you, when you have a lot of them they make mince-meat out of almost any enemy force. You can then ride up to the remnants and lop their heads off with your own weapon of choice.
Orion.....I do feel sorry for you. Almost this entire page's threads have your post as the most recent one, and I'm guessing that your just replying to that noob who keeps on posting in extremely old threads for no reason. I have to admit....it is extremely annoying (not u, him).
the real story goes that the swadians were first they figurally raped there peasants.
a prince veagore or something disagreed to the whole swadian way of life and rebels against them with a group he named after him self quite a bit, his movement escalated so vast he got captured him self some city's over the years.
the went on a couple generations till the current time.

voila the real story behind M&B( or atleast what if looked up.)
Vaeger=Barbarians, think vikings and Mongols.

Swadians= Conquestors, think Constantinople, Germanic Knights, and Britain.
Lord Jaden said:
Vaeger=Barbarians, think vikings and Mongols.

Swadians= Conquestors, think Constantinople, Germanic Knights, and Britain.

It's just Knights vs. Barbarians, Swadians vs. Vaegir. That's how I see it.

BTW I got owned. See, my hard drive got wiped recently and I lost M&B and the code needed, so...yeah.
Someone who resurrects threads that haven't been posted in in months, and puts some kind of useless message like "I agree", especially if there's a thread on the front page adressing that issue or suggestion already.
Chilly5 said:
Orion.....I do feel sorry for you. Almost this entire page's threads have your post as the most recent one, and I'm guessing that your just replying to that noob who keeps on posting in extremely old threads for no reason. I have to admit....it is extremely annoying (not u, him).

I think of it as beating some sense in to a complete fool.

He got a posting ban, too, because his necro posting was brought to attention :smile:
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