Swadians and Vaegir Stories

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I've read that the Swadians are more nobles and Veagirs are rebeling aganist them but I don't know if thats true.
powerg8 said:
I've read that the Swadians are more nobles and Veagirs are rebeling aganist them but I don't know if thats true.

Eh, that's nothing but Swadian rambling. Swadians are the more greedy (which is why their knights cost more in wages) while Vaegirs are more of the people's army. That is, if those people are the blood-thirsty type.
I believe the story is that there was once a mighty empire that shattered into smaller kingdoms which are now battling each other for supremacy. Swadia and Vaegaria are two of those kingdoms.

But, I may be wrong. *shrug*
The story i've heard is that two brothers, vaegir and swadian always fighting amongts one another but their father Caladria was in the way and during one of the fights he ended up with an axe through his chest and a knife through his head. And now they are fighting for the throne of Caladria they sent their armies to kill each other, but they were even so they split up into two small realms and have still been fighting ever since...

But I also could be wrong
Could someone say that which .txt contains the story so we wouldn't have to speculate about it again?
Until armagan gives us something new, this is the official truth:

In the year of 1352, the Land of Calradia was divided between two rival kindoms.
In the west, the once all-powerful kingdom of Swadia had lost most of its former glory but remained a formidable power with its heavy knights.
But the eastern lands had been recently lost to the rebeling Vaegir nobles who united under .
Having gained their independence, the Vaegirs were quick to take the offensive and set off to conquer their former masters.
But Swadian King Larec was now fighting in friendly soil .
Soon the war degenerated into a series of skirmishes and raids devastating the countryside .
It was a time of suffering and pain.
Farms were burnt, villages were destroyed, thousands were killed and enslaved on both sides.

But it was also a time of opportunity for some.
Mercenaries and adventurers flooded into the land looking for fortune, fame and glory.
But these newcomers would find war to be a harsh master.
I would be quick to amend that the Vaegirs are not a mere barbaric tribe, seeking plunder. For years, the Vaegir people were compelled to join the Swadian army through forced conscription of Vaegir boys when they arrived at the age of 12. Instead of treating the Vaegir people with dignity, the Swadians, for several generations, have treated the Vaegirs as a conquered, contemptible people. With severe brutality, the Swadian lords sought to repress Vaegirs at every turn.

Villiages were destroyed, farmes were burnt, and thousands were enslaved. This is true. However, the Swadians were the ones commiting these unspeakable crimes against the Vaegir people. Finally, after the burden of taxes, repression, and devestation by the Swadian lords, the Vaegirs rose against the kingdom of Swadia.

At first, the war was fought by Vaegir peasants against the unstoppable Swadian knights and their squires. Thousands of hungry, emaciated peasants lost their lives in this rebellion. The war looked like it would end very quickly, when word of the wholesale slaughter of the Vaegar populace reached the ears of a forgotten ally, the Vaegir legions on the emerald coast in Swadia.

Though many of the soldiers had been taken from their homeland at the age of 12 and forced to join the Swadian army, they had not forgotten their families, nor their homeland. Instead of integrating the Vaegir boys into established Swadian legions, the Ruler of Swadia, King Larec, foolishly thought it wisdom to send all Vaegirs to stop the marauding bands of the Sea people. He hoped that the conscripts would be so far removed from the repression and turmoil within the Vaegir lands, that they would never join either side of the conflict. However, King Larec was proven to be wrong.

Five heavy legions of formerly conscripted Vaegirs burned their way across Swadia. Hardened by years of fighting against bandits and sea raiders, the Vaegir legions quickly tipped the conflict in favor of the Vaegir uprising. Finally, after only a year of fighting, independence for the new kingdom of Vaegiria was finally realized. Peace and prosperity were now possible for the once destitute Vaegir people.

However, peace lasted for only a few days. Militia groups began to form in border villiages in both Swadia and Vaeiria. These groups were not content with peace, but wanted revenge and reprisal. Though the Vaegir nobles and Swadian lords sought peace for nearly a week, the bloodlust and revenge killings in Swadian and Vaegir border towns fanned the flame of what was once a waning conflict. Full-scale war began shortly after the aborted peace talks.

Now, the Land of Calradia is divided between these two kingdoms. The war is in a deadlock. The land is a haven for bandits, murderers, and barbarians. Peace is now a thing that is only dreamed of by the fool.
Johnathan Andrews said:
I would be quick to amend that the Vaegirs are not a mere barbaric tribe, seeking plunder. For years, the Vaegir [...]

Great backstory. Did you write it?
RJK said:
Great backstory. Did you write it?

Thank you.

Aye, this was just a stab attempting a backstory for the game until the devs come out with the official truth. Maybe they'll even use a piece of it. :wink:
I really have to ask on this subject....I don't really see any real reason to be on either side, except maybe that the vaegirs have bowman and the swads have crossbows and little stuff like that. Are there any advantages to either side? If so, what, if not, think it will be in the finale,
And who do most people prefer???????
How do you pronounce vaegir?
I am a Vaegir, mostly because it's easier to get to zendar and the river piraes. But I think that the main game story should not be biased either way. Though the kings and lords of each nation would be biased of course.
I pronouce it "Vay-ger(gur)".

In homeworld 2, the enemy is called Vagyr "Vay-Ger(gur)"

See how it sounds the same?

I'm sure it isn't pronouced that way, but thats how I pronouce it.
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