swadain vs. vaegir

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which side has more quests and interesting stuff to do if you join? I can't decide which side to join, and since there isn't much plot yet, it's hard to base my decision off of anything besides which name sounds cooler. So I was wondering if there are any real differences.
Swadians have a lot better armour on their final tier units, but the Vaegirs have some nifty weapons. The quests are the same.
The quests are the same for both sides. The difference is that the Swadian units get better armor and horses (a Swadian man-at-arms will often be as well-armored as a Vaegir knight, for example) while the Vaegir units have a slight edge in weaponry (Vaegir knights will wield bardiches, Great Axes and Fighting Axes, which have slightly more damage than the Swadian Knights' Greatswords and Morningstars).

Swadian mounted units are more likely to wield lances and Great Lances for couched lance damage.

The Swadian missile units use crossbows, the Vaegir bows.

Other than that, it's about the same. The Swadians seem to represent Western Europe -style civilizations, the Vaegirs more nomadic steppe riders (save that they have cities).
If you're going for archer type units the Swadian sharpshooters are definitely better than the Vaegar marksmen. Not only are their crossbows more accurate and do more damage (higher velocity) but they get shields for melee as well.
If you want more flavor, try the Mag 7 mod. Then upon various knight ranks, you get special horses and weapons unique to the faction.
The crossbowmen are awesome or a pain in the ass, depending on whose side they are :wink: . Btw, are you sure, that sharpshooters have crossbow, cause mine have a bow (they kick ass anyway).

I'm not convinced about the advantage of the lances of the Swadian knights as they seem to be too stupid to use them properly and there is nothing more pathetic then a knight surrounded by a mob of infantry raking around with his lance and getting hacked to pieces.
Goofy said:
I'm not convinced about the advantage of the lances of the Swadian knights as they seem to be too stupid to use them properly....
I've seen enough Dark Knights unhorsed by the lances of my Swadian cavalry to stand by their prowess. As long as they don't get bogged down in infantry ... :wink:
The sharpshooters either come with sniper xbows or longbows.

The Swaddie militia often get hunting/light xbows.

Swadian missiles are something rightly feared. When sufficiently massed, it's really hard to counter. You can't outduel them as they can easily kill you. Even your knght heavy army might take a trouncing without a concentrated charge. To lead such a charge, you need to do so from the front which usually ends with dead horse and you staring at the sky with a dozen bolts for decoration.

Swadian knights have big 2H swords and often piercing weapons like morningstars and do better against cavalry. They can easily take out vaegir knights in equal numbers.

Vaegir knights seem better against infantry with death dealing bardiches.
I prefer vaegir to be honest. They are more like barbarians then "knights" , i mean half the vaegir unit's look as much like barbarians as the bloody sea raider's. So i go on Vaegir so that i can fight tougher people (swadia) , and it's easyier to join Veagir when you start , since you can simply go to zendar keep.
zendar keep? where the is that? zendar is neutral far as I remember. Rivacheg is mighty close though.

I prefer the Vaegirs for challenge and Swadians for an easier game.
Personally my party is a group of neutral traders/bandits and I get my guys from Zendar, their guys become Mercenaries/Hired Blades and have completely random setups... tis great
I like them and sword sisters. However, a significant portion is faction forces as raiding prisoner trains give high end troops without as much effort.
WipperSnipper said:
I prefer vaegir to be honest. They are more like barbarians then "knights" , i mean half the vaegir unit's look as much like barbarians as the bloody sea raider's. So i go on Vaegir so that i can fight tougher people (swadia) , and it's easyier to join Veagir when you start , since you can simply go to zendar keep.

Eastern identity is cooler.
Vaegirs pay you more, but Swadians have better troops and equiptement...

Hope that cleared it out for you...

Note: Since the Swadians have Duke Taugard again in v.751, it is probable that in future versions they'll have more quests...
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