Surgery and Heroes

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Lord Ivo

I made another topic becosue the one i made 1 hour ago is for another question.I hate the orange/red color when my army dies,so i want to up surgery skill but im 29 lv and it will be really hard to start leveling it.I haven't used other heroes from tavern and i dont really know what to do.Who's the best hero for surgery skill?And how can i level fast my other heroes?And if you can please tell me what other skills to put on the "surgery" hero and what items,becouse i have only 1-Firentes and he's really useless,i bought him items his gear is like mine,but he only dies and sometimes kills 1-2 troops.
Do some quests too. They give experience to you and your heroes.

Keep in mind that your heroes are immortal, when you upgrade their equipment. Better give them good weapons rather than good armors. Because they never die.

About some usefull party skills to give to your heroes... Do you have a good path finding score ? This will keep you able to catch those annoying bandits (or run away from a huge high level deserters party :smile:)
Ymira is a good alternative if you can't find Jeremus. Put inital points into INT and you'll have more points to spend on Surgery and First Aid. If you do this, make sure you put your surgeon in good armour with a big-arse shield.

Also, put them at the bottom of your troop list. That way they are less likely to spawn in battles and are less likely to get hurt. They can't help others if they themselves are injured.
Take a look here and you'll get the one that best fits your party !
That's a good hint, Pellagus. In my current game I wasnt finding Mr. Jeremus anywhere, so I had to deal with it and chose Ymira to lv up first-aid/surgery/wound management. She's pretty good. Bad side was, when I finally found Jeremus, I didnt know what to do with him... then I ended up lvling up his engineering skills and trainer. =P
I found Jeremus.As i said in my 1st post i have Firentes(he loves Jeremus  :lol: ).He said he was a captain of cavalry so i hired him i use alot of horsemen.What should i put on him(he has alot of agility) ?I want to make him a strong warrior but im not sure what skills to give him.
Wait.. You're saying that when a hero is wounded his skills don't work?

So.. Jeremus is my Surgeon. So say I fight one battle and Jeremus gets KO. Then if fight another one right after his skills don't work...? How about in the same battle, will his skills work in the battle he got KO after he got KO?

By the way, Wound Treatment and Spotting are also rather usefull skills! Spotting and Pathfinding makes it really easy to hunt bandits, and to get a good overview when you are in war with another faction.

EDIT: As for Firentes, he is currently my highest level hero, just give him a good gear (he have Heavy Steppe Horse, Brynje, Nord Helmet, Nord Shield, Balanced Spear of War, 2 handed war axe and a Balanced Nordic Sword and he is really good in normal battles and in sieges, the axe helps him in sieges a lot). But.. what skills to give him.. Strength gives him more HP and allows you to give him more powerstrike, that's good for a warrior.. Agility makes him hit faster and also gives additional weapon points, that's also good. Put a few points into Riding and Athletics too, that makes him able to fight a lot better since he can move faster. Never put points into charisma or any of the charisma skills since they are only personall or leader skills
Or better still, have two surgeons, so if something bad happens to one, the other can heal your party :grin:

Although its not advisable unless you tweaked the game to remove arguments between companions...

Usually i have Lezalit, Artimenner, Deshavi and Firentis. Recently i added Jeremus but he clashes with Artimenner. Old Arty there is my engineer, he saves me time and money on building projects, and he is a tough fighter. Screw that other bald headed **** if you don't mind me saying so.

I usually share the surgeon skills between Lezalit, Artimenner and Firentis.
I believed the bonus was only from the leader? Every 2 points into a skill with the leader, you'd get +1 bonus, whoever had the main skill.

Also, I think he said he split the "medicine" skills between the 3... like lvled wounds with one, first aid with the other and surgery with another.
Yes, I thought so too, but I recently looked upon the bonuses my party had, and 1 skill (think it was tracking, or tactics) one of my members had the highest, but it also had a bonus, like 5+1 or whatever, don't remember the actual numbers, but it was a bonus.
Hugin said:
I believed the bonus was only from the leader? Every 2 points into a skill with the leader, you'd get +1 bonus, whoever had the main skill.

Oh that explains a lot. In my first game I had a +1 for Jeremus' skill, as my main chara had 2 pts in Surgery, but I thought it was because of the book I had bought. Damn, I wasted like 7k for nothing :sad:
stygN said:
Yes, I thought so too, but I recently looked upon the bonuses my party had, and 1 skill (think it was tracking, or tactics) one of my members had the highest, but it also had a bonus, like 5+1 or whatever, don't remember the actual numbers, but it was a bonus.

Yes... it had a bonus since your main character should have at least 2 points into it. Try looking into that again.
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