Supra Suggestions

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1. I'd like to see battles tweaked a little bit.

-Like everyone else, I'd like some sort of radar system to detect the enemy or at least a little arrow icon to point me in the direction I need to turn. For example, if the enemy mob is behind me, the arrow points at the my character - if enemy left, the arrow point to the left in front of my character.

-I'd like the ability to zoom the camera out further during the battles. I'd like to move the camera from "over my shoulder" to a "birds eye view". The bird's eye view would come in handy for my next suggestion.

-I'd like to change the way friendly troops are controlled currently. Everyone else suggests this also, but here is how I'd make the change. With the birds eye view mentioned before, I could stay behind my troops and control them from there RTS/RTT style. I would hit one key such as 'C' for Command or Captain. After hitting the C key, I would lose the ability to control my player character, but then I could do such things as select friendly units individually, band select multiple units, double click a unit and all similar units are selected, click on an enemy to choose an important attack target, etc. Hitting the C key again would give me control of my character again. I wouldn't be opposed to just having these options available without hitting the C key. Just click on a friendly unit and click on an enemy unit - he would attack it.

-In battle, it would be useful to be press a key and switch my control to another character. The key would rotate between all the troops in your party. Operation Flashpoint handled this similarly if I remember right.

Whatever the case, I think a bird's eye view of the battle would be great and a key improvement.

2. For fun, I think molotov cocktails should be a new weapon. I'd love to run up to a tightly packed group of enemies and toss one thier way...

3. For Multiplayer, M&B2 would thrive with action oriented short battles online - not RPG elements, MMO elements. My reasoning is that what draws people to this game is not it's RPG elements (which would lead to MMO thoughts) - it's the battle system. Particularly the riding mounts and medival setting is the primary draw. Go with action.

4. For Multiplayer in M&B2, allow TCP/IP hosted games, LAN, etc. A centralized server would be an amazing community builder as well. It would drive developer costs up more, but a server run by Armagan would draw the most players on a consistant basis. You would see players more consistantly as a result and get to know them (or of them) better. This is different from general FPS/Counterstrike style servers. True, people find favorite servers but it's more random. You see people and play them and you may never see them again. Again, I would add this as alternative to the FPS style way of doing multiplayer. You could have both types at once. The main reason for having a central server might be my next suggestion.

5. For multiplayer, many people would like some sort of ranking system. My suggestion is for ladder based play. You set up a pyramid with a champ at the top of the pyramid. Below him are three notches that can challenge the champ. Below those three are nine notches that can challenge to be one of the three. Below the nine are more notches until you reach the bottom - whatever the size of the player base is. The part that makes this ladder/pyramid system unique is that it is persistant. Meaning - If the champ goes AFK too long or he quits playing for the evening, he falls off the ladder and someone else takes his place. The way you'd gain prestige in a system like this is by gaining points. The longer you can keep yourself in a high level position on the ladder, the more prestige points you gain. If you are the champ for three hours and there are 200 players on average on the ladder, you gain 300,000 points or something. If you are the champ for three hours and there are 10 players on average on the ladder, you gain 3,000 points or something similar. Then you'd have a stat on a website or within the game system to show you're overall standing against all the people that have played on M&B2's centralized server.

Edit Addition:

-Also, I think the multiplayer should follow closely with what the Myth series did with it's multiplayer. Allow four different types of battles. A)You control your troops versus another player B)You control your troops versus five (or less) other players on one map. I realize the 30 units total in one battle would have to change for this. C)You and other teamates control one team which would fight against another team composed of players. D)If the units allowed in battle total could be increased to 50 or so, you could have 5 teams of ten units. Each team could consist of 1-3 players splitting control of the team.

-Continuing to emulate the Myth series, M&B2 would do well to simulate the gametypes that game presented. This basically consists of objective type goals rather than deathmatch style objectives.

Okay, that's it for now.
Hope this hasn't been too much of the same old suggestions...
I, for one, wouldnt want a radar or birds eye camera view. At least i'd like to be choose them to use or not. Camera would of course be optional. But i would really hate to have a permanent radar.

Becouse what i like in this game's combat is its.. its way of realism. It feels like im really in a battle. No crosshair (save for ranged weaponry, which is quite essential since you dont use your hands in reallife for eye-hand coordination) no heal items etc. Not totally realistic but as realistic as it should be for making the game fun.

Btw... molotov coctail? o_O
FYI - A molotov cocktail is a homemade explosive with small(? - at least for game purposes) splash damage. A bottle is filled with explosive fluid, powder, whatever and thrown at a target after being lit. A direct hit would kill someone. Anyone else nearby would be maimed or at least burned.
Hmm molotov cocktail... you mean those bottles filled with gasoline/oil with a rag in it, that Vaegir peasantry uses and was named after an evil Swadian war lord?
Now now. There is something wrong, I forgot they lack the gasoline. I guess they'll have to use hay, yes that'll do.

No really, even if doable it is a athmosphere breaker (atleast for me).

I like the first addition that gives some advice where the enemy is. Other suggestion turn M&B into something I would not like to see.
Well like I said in the original post, it's for fun more than historical accuracy. Besides that, I don't think a crude form of a molotov cocktail is that unbelievable. All you need is flammable liquid and a wick to light. There were fire arrows, boiling oil to defend castles, etc near and around the time period. It doesn't feel like that much of a stretch in imagination.

Anyway, other comments about the rest of the post?
Yes it might be doable, but I doubt I would enjoy it, but that's just me.

Note: There will not prob. be more than 2 sides on one battle and multiplayer is not likely to be included. You might get more feedback on them if you posted them on the multiplayer sticky.

-In battle, it would be useful to be press a key and switch my control to another character. The key would rotate between all the troops in your party. Operation Flashpoint handled this similarly if I remember right.
Too tactical for my taste.
Somewhere in forums i posted a suggestion for alchemist potions, explosive ones. Very crude, hard to use etc. Just to add some variation

But molotov coctail as we know it... hmmmh. Not for me. Doesnt seem very fit to current gamestyle either.
fire in combat :???:

i think the fire arrows could just about pass, and maybe a random peasant swinging a torch as a weapon.. but that's about it IMO
I think Supra has a point -- they wouldn't have lacked flammable materials that could be used for molotov cocktails. However, I wouldn't expect them to be actually explosive -- they would just burst into flames, as would anything the liquid inside touched when it broke out of the container. But that said, I'd definitely say it should be a low-tier enhancement if at all. I'm not wild about the idea myself.

I don't think there should be a radar map or overhead view for battles either. Personally I kind of like the challenge of trying to find where the enemy is hiding. It's sort of a thrill going around a hill not knowing if you'll catch the enemy by surprise, or waiting with a javelin to put through your chest. The downside of course is that both your allies don't seem to have that problem -- they know just where the enemy is, so all you need to do is watch them. It would be nice if this could be fixed so your allies have to search the way you do, but it's just a minor quibble.

I do agree there should be a more direct way of controlling your troops, but again, I disagree that it should be from an overhead view. I would be satisfied if you could point in a direction, shout, "Hey, you!", have them look, then point in another direction and shout, "Go over there!" This would solve all kinds of problems with using ranged units.

I'm going to leave off on commenting on the multiplayer suggestions, because there's already a sticky thread for them, and I think most of the topics have already been covered there.
Ahh yes... thrown fire bombs... Dang I love the smell of burning horseflesh in the morning... <sarcasm off>

One of the downsides with a weapon like this I can see is the amount of people that will complain and insist they be removed from the game when they discover the AI is lethally accurate with with it from extreme ranges... :roll:

No to a radarmap... I don't want a black square on my screen until Joe farmer invents GPS and satelites... :lol: In anycase I agree it would be a mood killer...
Personally i just head for the nearest high hill and have a look around...

What would be nice though is some directional sound feedback... 30 guys charging into battle covered in metal (on thundering horses) would be audible from quite a distance...
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