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1. Jatynski, good show old man!
      Will you add extra minor factions in EIF3?
  Crimean Khaganate, Cossack Hetmanate, Barbaric states, Portugal, Greece (wait, it was occupied by the Ottomans)  Italian states, Hungary, Venice?

2. Sorry, probably it ain't question for mod but...
Jatynski, have you thought about to help those poor chaps who's working on the Calradia 1870 Blood and steel mod?
  They've spoiled work on two mods already (Red Wars are dead) and Blood and steel itself (they are not going to have even grenades and definitely not going to have Artillery and Regimental system, or Flag bearers, so it will be just overlarged native Calradia only with guns and outfits, while you less in a year put a great mod which introduce real atmosphere of the 17th century.)
Chaplain said:
  They've spoiled work on two mods already (Red Wars are dead) and Blood and steel itself (they are not going to have even grenades and definitely not going to have Artillery and Regimental system, or Flag bearers, so it will be just overlarged native Calradia only with guns and outfits, while you less in a year put a great mod which introduce real atmosphere of the 17th century.)

Red Wars was a project by a completely different team, they and Blood and Steel only co-operated on lore-related matters. And it's perfectly logical that there are no grenades in Blood and Steel because they weren't used in real life at that time.
dinnerblaster said:
Chaplain said:
  They've spoiled work on two mods already (Red Wars are dead) and Blood and steel itself (they are not going to have even grenades and definitely not going to have Artillery and Regimental system, or Flag bearers, so it will be just overlarged native Calradia only with guns and outfits, while you less in a year put a great mod which introduce real atmosphere of the 17th century.)

Red Wars was a project by a completely different team, they and Blood and Steel only co-operated on lore-related matters. And it's perfectly logical that there are no grenades in Blood and Steel because they weren't used in real life at that time.

No grenades in mid-19th century? Nay, I'm not buying such BS, mate.
Chaplain said:

No grenades in mid-19th century? Nay, I'm not buying such BS, mate.

I meant general use. Limited use of ahead-of-their-time innovations and improvised weapons is something that occurs thorough the history of technology and warfare. For example, if I said that there was no air warfare before world war 1 you could prove me wrong by pointing out the singular uses of hot air balloons in the US civil war and the French revolutionary wars. Hand grenades had actually been a thing in the 17th century. The thing is though, they weren't developed far enough back then to be both reliable and useful enough to be used as a general weapon. This is why grenadiers, despite their name, didn't actually use grenades from the early 1700s onward.

Because of that, grenades fell into general unuse and obscurity and didn't properly come back until a few years before WW1. Even then the weapon was exotic at first. When the Austro-Hungarian army marched to Serbia in 1914 they were terrified by the Serbians' use of grenades because Austrians had never encountered a weapon like it. Even the French didn't reintroduce them to use until 1915.

Besides, even your own source states the following: But it wasn't until World War I that tactical advantages of using them made the hand grenade a fundamental infantry weapon.
In general use mate, under grenade you could define even a bottle with inflammable liquid like oil or mix of oil and strong booze which was popular among irregulars and guerrillas (during Napoleon's invasion to Hiberian peninsula cast iron bombs were used by Spanish guerillas against the French troops) and early Molotov cocktails (cheap fraud commie stole the name but it's too late to change it) were the weapon of French communars against Prussians and supported by Bismark Versailles provisional government's forces in 1870.

In general use in Blood and Steel there is North American-like territories in times of Civil war, so there's a possibility to plug grenades there.
Fundamental infantry weapon, ye say laddie? We-e-e-l. As far as I can recall, good' ol' Mount & Blade was always encouraging the player to use sticks and stones, why this time you shouldn't throw to the bastards a bomb or an explosive bottle? Oh wait. Because the 1870's Blood and Steel is at risk to be strangled in a baby cradle, that's why.
Chaplain said:
In general use mate, under grenade you could define even a bottle with inflammable liquid like oil or mix of oil and strong booze which was popular among irregulars and guerrillas.

What you are describing is a petrol bomb not a grenade. And like you said neither they were used by any armies at the time.

Chaplain said:
In general use in Blood and Steel there is North American-like territories in times of Civil war, so there's a possibility to plug grenades there.

The Ketschum grenade was flawed in its design and saw very limited use so it would be a bit pointless to add really, even if it wasn't a historical impossibility.

Chaplain said:
Fundamental infantry weapon, ye say laddie? We-e-e-l. As far as I can recall, good' ol' Mount & Blade was always encouraging the player to use sticks and stones, why this time you shouldn't throw to the bastards a bomb or an explosive bottle?

Stones and throwing spears being the game's crappiest weapons doesn't strike me very encouraging. And if the mod wishes to be taken seriously and accurately represent its era then it's bound to not entertain your anachronisms just for the sake of being able to.

Chaplain said:
Because the 1870's Blood and Steel is at risk to be strangled in a baby cradle, that's why.

It isn't really, unless you're the one strangling it. There was a new update literally a week ago.
You're talking about "anachronisms" but already as was told before, mr. The-Last-Button-On-That-Unmentonables-Is-Unhistorical may leave.
What's the problem to arm with Molotov's cocktails and bombs irregulars, bandits, rebels or the player on the earlier starts? I suppose not everyone has got the to arm in military standards.
Pointless eh? Sounds quite doubtful. Almost like "too lazy to do that".  Where is that spirit from old Red Wars, I say? Wanished...

Crappy you say? Of course mate, still earlier weapons is the only choice on earlier starts, especially if the PC was stripped down to unmentionables during day one. Though, grenades are balanced in many mods and games, what is stopping the team from adding grenades? It is not necessary to arm with grenades the grenadiers, eh? But the mobs, rebels and bandits, why not?
Don't worry, matey I'm not going to choke the mod, it's the mod team's job.
  Remember,  eh? Overlarged Calradia only with fancy dress, fancy decorations and couple of guns. That all she wrote.
Updates? Aye
Chaplain said:
Though, grenades are balanced in many mods and games, what is stopping the team from adding grenades? It is not necessary to arm with grenades the grenadiers, eh? But the mobs, rebels and bandits, why not?

Because it would make as much sense to arm them with automatic rifles or pump action shotguns. Making them have molotovs would make sense, I didn't object to that, but grenades just weren't around in any form in the 1870's.
I'm not saying about more or less modern grenades, mate. Iron cast ones, that is almost handcrafted - alike that was used during assassination of tzar Alexander II Romanov. Light up and throw - easy. Ha.
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