Chaplain said:They've spoiled work on two mods already (Red Wars are dead) and Blood and steel itself (they are not going to have even grenades and definitely not going to have Artillery and Regimental system, or Flag bearers, so it will be just overlarged native Calradia only with guns and outfits, while you less in a year put a great mod which introduce real atmosphere of the 17th century.)
dinnerblaster said:Chaplain said:They've spoiled work on two mods already (Red Wars are dead) and Blood and steel itself (they are not going to have even grenades and definitely not going to have Artillery and Regimental system, or Flag bearers, so it will be just overlarged native Calradia only with guns and outfits, while you less in a year put a great mod which introduce real atmosphere of the 17th century.)
Red Wars was a project by a completely different team, they and Blood and Steel only co-operated on lore-related matters. And it's perfectly logical that there are no grenades in Blood and Steel because they weren't used in real life at that time.
Chaplain said:
No grenades in mid-19th century? Nay, I'm not buying such BS, mate.
Chaplain said:In general use mate, under grenade you could define even a bottle with inflammable liquid like oil or mix of oil and strong booze which was popular among irregulars and guerrillas.
Chaplain said:In general use in Blood and Steel there is North American-like territories in times of Civil war, so there's a possibility to plug grenades there.
Chaplain said:Fundamental infantry weapon, ye say laddie? We-e-e-l. As far as I can recall, good' ol' Mount & Blade was always encouraging the player to use sticks and stones, why this time you shouldn't throw to the bastards a bomb or an explosive bottle?
Chaplain said:Because the 1870's Blood and Steel is at risk to be strangled in a baby cradle, that's why.
Chaplain said:Though, grenades are balanced in many mods and games, what is stopping the team from adding grenades? It is not necessary to arm with grenades the grenadiers, eh? But the mobs, rebels and bandits, why not?
retroman1011 said:Jeez guys- is this a thread about EiF3 or an argument on 1870 Blood and steel?