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If you've got any suggestions for the mod, here you can speak your mind. What could make Iron Europe better? What would you like to see in the mod?
French Tirailleur would be neat. Like giving them faster athletics but lesser shooting skills to contrast the german sentry.
I would like to see, Austria-Hungary faction in this wonderfull mod  :mrgreen:
New factions for every version, like:
1.0 France and Germany
2.0 Britain and Austro Hungary
3.0 Russia and Ottoman Empire
4.0 USA and Italy
It would be nice if the medic classes for both sides could see their teammates' health. Otherwise the injured have to type it out in chat and the medic has to find them to heal them, but by that time they are dead. So far, unless you are using Teamspeak or etc., the medics are practically useless.
Oh sorry, I just realized you can call a medic with H I believe. The feature I mentioned above would still be nice though.
I think this mod can make a comeback if you get it on the steam workshop. With the newest M&B update, we can get mods through steam workshop. The problem with the regular way of getting M&B mods is that there can be too much of a hassle for some, deterring them from getting any mods at all. This problem can be fixed, as all they have to do is hit the "Subscribe" button on the steam workshop page of the mod. The steam workshop gets a lot more attention than the Taleworlds forums to be honest.
Im OMW to downloading this mod, but i have a suggestion: You could add Great Britain on France's side (if theres a way to do it) and Austro-Hungary on Germany's side (again, if possible, or you could do Japan).
REXER said:
and Austro-Hungary on Germany's side (again, if possible, or you could do Japan).

Are you saying Japan on Germany's side?  They were the enemy of the Germans in WW1...not that it matters, their obscurity during the war compared to numerous other nations doesn't make them a likely candidate for addition.
Fixing the soundtrack, I know a lot of people just turn it off, but I like it for dramatic scenes, you watched your friend just get blown to bits by an artillery shell, and your listening to the "bridal chorus" or "pomp and circumstance" like as if the war is over. Maybe something like this
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