Suggestions for worldmap travel.

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I'll sum up what I've already posted and thought out not long ago...
The speed of you party should depend on it's slowest member.
Speed of non-encumbered human should be around 4.
Speed of horses, should be dependant on it's speed (duh!).
So, if you are on foot - you'll travel with speed of 4. On a saddle horse - 8. On a courser - 10. But if someone is on foot, your entire party will be slowed to a walking speed. Something like that is implemented already.
If you are on a courser, and you companion on a swaybacked saddle horse, you'll travel with a speed of 6. Makes sense, isn't it?
Now, details:
1. Cargo and 'spare' horses (ones that in your inventory). Cargo 'slowdown' and distribution of weight among other horses is great, cannot really say anything about it. However, it should be noted that you speed should be equal to one of slowest horse in 'inventory' + weight penalty (in case there are no slower units in your entourage). But it should be noted again that, since spare horses do not carry anyone, they should be able to carry more stuff w/o penalty then your horse (which also carries you + your armor. Same goes to your companions.)
But, while it's obvious beta issue, I will draw attention to the fact that all cargo types weighting only 2 kgs is, well, hilarious to put it mildly.
First prize goes to the keg of ale :smile:.
I'd say, let's put it this way:
Horses can carry up to 100 kgs with no weight penalty (that's you (70kgs) + 30 kgs of armor and weapons). Above 100, up to 200 - speed decreases from 100 to 50%, and from 200 to 300 - 50%-0%. (meaning it cannot move). By the way, shouldn't 'heavy' horses be capable of carrying more stuff?
2. Prisoners - should be walking on foot, but if you have spare horses - they'll be put on them... either 1 or 2 per horse. 2 captives per horse should involve some weight penalty 70+70 = 140, that would be about 20% penalty.
So, if you captured 5 river pirates, and have 5 spare horses in your inv (all of them saddle horses) - you'll be able to trot at a speed of 8.0 + pathfinding bonus.
If you captured 5-10 pirates - the speed would be ~6. If above 10 - 4.
That's not taking cargo weight into account... that's not very complex and is MUCH more logical then current system... which is not bad, but too simplified.
A minor suggestion:
Please, make pathfinding add at least 5% to the speed. Right now, it's 3% and is nigh-unnoticeable, and not really worth putting points into.
Hi Balor,

Speed differences are very unbalancing and even small bonuses make a lot of difference.

Current model for computing party map speed finds average speed in party and minimum speed in party, and then takes the average of these two numbers. Just taking the minimum speed wouldn't be fair because say if you have 10 horsemen and one footman, you can assume one of the footman would ride with one of the horsemen instead of slowing down the whole party to walking speed.
Hmm, good point, suggested that for prisoners myself and forgot to stretch that to footmen :smile:.
However, a bit more detail will not be too bad, I guess - I mean implementing weight penalties system instead of just scaling down the speed. (not exactly line one I suggested, but something like that).
After all, why a few 2kg packages of goods slow you much more then an extra passenger, who, I guess, weights a lot more then 20 kgs (and 10 packges will really slow you to a crawl if you will not have extra horses)?
How much can a horse carry w/o being unable to run, anyway?
Of course, that may be asking too much...
But also showing carrying capacity of horses when you buy them (with some explanation about 'carrying extra passenges') will save players a lot of confusion later on. The more realistic the system is, the easier it is to balance and understand! Well, usually :smile:.

An interesting discussion, particularly as I am unclear on the following:

Does having extra horses in your inventory (and thus available mounts) speed up your party?

Obviously, we can't equip troops and not all have riding skills anyway, but some troops like Sword Sisters seem to have high riding skills but always have to foot it.

The extra horses I have sometimes seem to make a difference or is it only wishful thinking on my part? :smile:
I dont know the formula but I think extra horses offsets carrying alot of heavy stuff, like trade goods (which are usually very heavy). Not 100% sure.
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