Suggestions for a good Army (On Native)

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Alright, I can have up to nearly 155 troops, and I need some clues as to what a good combination of men would be. Right now im using Some Swadian Knights Combined with nord Infantry, and Vaegir marksman. I got 15 Swadian Knights, 7 huscarl, 14 Nord Veterans, 20 nord Footman, and 13 Vaegir Marksman. Any Suggestion to a more efficient army, So far ive done great on sieges and stuff that brings out the efficiency of my Nords, and Marksman. My Knights are too slow to actually kill any of my Enemies on the field. (Im fighting Khergits) So Any suggestions to a better Khergit-Killler Army would be Useful  :mrgreen:

I found Khergits to be by far the most frustrating enemy to kill.  That being said, I'd recommend adding some to your party.  Khergit Lancers/Archers are pretty good at bringing down their fellow comrades.  Also, you could try adding another 10 or so Swadian Knights, the more knights you have the easier it will be for them to surround the faster archers.  In all reality though, I found Khergit archers to be the most time consuming enemy to kill in Native.
Just hold your ground with infantry and archers (a huskarl bring down a khergit rather fast if the kherget is stupid enough to get close to him) and order your cavalry to follow you, and you ride around and distract and kill as many khergits as possible so that fewer khergits attack your archers and infantry.

This should work, but it takes time.

And yes, you could also get some Khergits for yourself.
Alright. Ill try getting some khergits, And the infantry has done well so far when I tell them to hold. Thanks for the tips  :smile:
Khergits are a rare situation where the only way to fight fire is with more fire. No other faction has swift ranged cavalry, so your only counter choice is crossbowmen (not a 1-for-1 deal at all in most battlefields). Melee infantry get picked apart, and heavy cavalry can't catch the khergits' coursers to stab them.

Of course, the ideal situation to face Khergits in is a siege. While attacking can be hell thanks to every khergit troop being guaranteed a ranged weapon, none of them fare well in melee. Once you've got those Nords up the ladder, they'll carve through the walls like a hot knife through cream cheese. Defending is a joke if you've got Vaegirs shooting back (and again, Nords to hold the ladder against their crappy sabres and "maybe" shields).
I prefer Hired Blades for Infantry and Swadian Knights for Calvalry. In other factions I prefer Vaegir Guards and Knights, Khergit Veteran Horse Archers and Lancers, Rhodokian Sarpshooter and Nord Veteran Archers.
In my opinion, I don't really care... I just go and recruit all the men I can (in taverns) and then lose them in some big battle.
All Huscarl army. Everything else is a waste of space on Native. Generally I advise you to use single class armies. Like all cavalry, all archer or all footmen. Took me a while to figure this out but trust me its the way to go.

Avoid mercs. THey are weaker and more expensive.
All Heavy Cavalry, Get 60-90 of em, and you can kill armies of up to 300-400 and not lose a Single Man in Combat.

Sieges are a tad different, need about 120, and you can get an easy victory.
already 150??? i only manage 110 and my combination are very good i can smash about 300 khergitmen (lancers and arches and all cavalries) with casualties less than 10. My formula are as follows:

50 Nord Huscarls
10 Swadian Knights
20 Vaegir Knight
20 Rhodok Sharpshooter
(others are heroes)

Huscarls are the best soldier in the game. i seen 1 huscarl fought against 4 mounted lancers and he still won. And the typical sporadic attack is the best when you use this formula. It works for me.

Oh yeah almost forgot, with this formula, it can siege a fortress held by 170 men (the most i faced when siegeing a fort)
Well, I normally play as Vaegirs and have an army of twenty Vaegir Knights and the rest Vaegir Marksmen. Knights slaughter enemies easily in melee in both sieges and field battles and archers are very important in sieges and very useful of field too. Because Knights can handle sieges as well as Nord Huscarls I have no need for any infantry.

tomton said:
Oh yeah almost forgot, with this formula, it can siege a fortress held by 170 men (the most i faced when siegeing a fort)

You should be able to take any town with that...
Well, to tell the truth, in Native I used only Swadian Knights. As much as I could manage (well, not that much, I left 10-20 open slots in my army). With this army in the field I could crush anything with few to none losses and siege castles with up to 200 defenders. Of course, my party was over 120. Swadian Knights are by far one of the most powerful unit in game and are good allround.
I have my leadership at 10 and I have almost 200 soldiers and consist in a:-25 Swadian Knights
                                                                                                          -23 Swadian Sergeants
                                                                                                          -37 Vaegir Marksman
                                                                                                          -12 Vaegir Knights
                                                                                                          -45 Vaegir Guards
                                                                                                          -20 Nord Huscarl 
                                                                                                          -15 Kherghit Lancer
                                                                                                          -14 Hired Blade
if your against kherigts i get all my ranged units together when the kherights get close enough they get themselves or their horses killed by javelins arrows bolts and things like that.
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