SP - Battles & Sieges Suggestions and Inspiration for Ship Battles and Commanding.

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While replying on another post requesting ships for Bannerlord by @Rhyuus, I thought of what I believe to be a good way for ship battles, commanding and ship movement to be implemented.

It could be somewhat similar to a fusion between 2008's Pirates of the Burning Sea and 2012's Guns of Icarus Online when in battle.

This would probably require a complete or at least a very different set of orders in the F1 to F7 keys than they currently are, though.

Also, the 1 through 9 keys would need to be split between some commanding the troops inside your ship and some commanding the other ships belonging to your army without being able to command their crew.
Possibly 1 and 2 for your crews, being 1 the infantry and 2 the ranged units.

There'd need to be commands like Chase, Ram and Board to your other ships. "Furl Sails", "Half Sails" and "Full Sails" for controlling the sails of your ship and commanded ships.

  • F1 Would need to have the "SHIELDS READY!" command, also "Below Deck", "Bows on deck", "Infantry on Deck" and "All on Deck" to tell the crew of other boats to hide inside the boat, for archers to be on deck ready to shoot with Infantry inside, for infantry to be on deck ready to board with archers inside or everyone to be on deck at the same time, infantry ready to board and archers ready to shoot, which could also be issued to commanded ships. Also the "Furl Sails", "Half Sails" and "Full Sails" as I mentioned before.

  • F2 Would need to have the same "Look that way" and "Face to enemy" but also "Side to enemy".

  • F3 Would more directed solely for your own ships crew, while other ships's crew would be like as if in perpetual F6 under command of their captain. Similar to a fusion of both F1 and F3 keys of ground battles, with commands like "Position", "Follow Me", "Advance", "Stop" and "Fall Back" and "Charge", but also "Shield Wall", "Loose", "Line", "Circle", "Square" and "Column"
    Possibly in 3 steps instead of 2 steps like usual.
    So to give the "Charge" command, it would go like F3->F1->F3 while "Shield Wall" would be F3->F2->F2.

  • F4 Would still command "fire at will".

  • F5 Would be the key to command "Board" and "Ram", giving them a target ship.

  • F6 Would forsake those ship's command to "Lieutenants in Charge"(the A.I.) or "Commander in Charge" to return command to you.

  • F7 "Transfer crew" which should open a small slightly see-through window for you to choose 2 ships and which troops to send from one to the other, which they would then dock as if boarding one another and transfer those crews.

Pirates of the Burning Sea, except instead of cannons, you'd be commanding your bow troops.

Guns of Icarus, except instead of Steam Punk and flying ships, normal ships in medieval scenario.


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