Suggestions about black smith features...

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I got an idea, if you were to have your own town or asking black smith people to reforge your weapons and armor for you to strength it with reasonable prices?

For example, if you get cracked or battered shield and armor, or cracked weapons, you'd have to pay them ot fix them for you at specific prices, depending on which type of materials these armors and weapons of your contains of. If it was only leather (armor) or wood (weapons), it'd be very cheap to fix or would be bit expensive to thicken (will result in increase of weight, thus affecting your movement speed) or reinforcing to strength it even further for your combat purposes.

But when you want or need to have them to thicken or reinforce your armor or weapons with far better materials, which would require their extra of work to fix the cracked or battered. That is when they would charge you ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 deniars (misspelling?). But if you want for them to thicken your armor or weapons, they would cost you about 15,000 to 45,000, or reinforce it further for 20,000 to 50,000 deniars (misspelling?).

What you guys think of this?

Eagle out...
The prices could be tweaked for balance, of course, but I like the idea of a smithy that, well, smiths.

Customizable weaponry and armor would also be very cool.
I'd say the cost for repairing something would be the difference between the normal price and the downgraded price, times 1.2.

Oftentimes, when you repair things (this is especially true with cars), the cost of repair can actually be bigger than the cost of the item itself.
But if it's a rare(ish) item, you don't mind paying the extra .2 on the end to keep it :grin:

I'm still looking for a reinforced steel shield... :cry:
I think repairing things is okay, if you can be bothered with it, but I don't agree with the idea of being able to "upgrade" weapons and armour to something better. For example I don't think you should be able to upgrade normal armour to thick armour. I don't see how a smith could do this easily, it would probably be twice as much work as to create the object from scratch, and the results would be rather dodgy.
I think screwtype nailed it pretty well. Except I would like to have the blacksmiths be able to add some uniqueness to my stuff. Nothing have having that rusty black helmet decked out with some bling bling to go with my gator black greaves. Straight up gangsta, aight.

p.s. picture the whitest white guy saying that and that would be me :sad: :cry: :grin:
screwtype said:
I think repairing things is okay, if you can be bothered with it, but I don't agree with the idea of being able to "upgrade" weapons and armour to something better. For example I don't think you should be able to upgrade normal armour to thick armour. I don't see how a smith could do this easily, it would probably be twice as much work as to create the object from scratch, and the results would be rather dodgy.

In fact, you have never done any of smith job before, so dont say that it isn't possible to reinforce or thicken the armor. They'd theorically take it aparts (by cutting the joints that connect armor together), thus melting it with an addition materials, thus hammering it with additinon metals to it. That is when they'd give it an extra metals forged to it, making it thicker, stronger, and become reinforced armor.

Eagle out...
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