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People, please us descriptive subjects for your threads!

For example "Horse archers' accuracy". Thus, it's quite clear what's discussed inside and I can immediately decide whether to open it or not. That's the purpose of subjects in the first place.

On the other hand, a subject "Suggestion" (as seen many times in this thread) is completely useless. It's a bloody Sugesstion forum, so one would expect to find suggestions around here, right? It reminds me one of my friends who entered a grocery and after lengthy browsing displayed goods, when asked what he wishes to buy by the shopkeeper, he answered: "Well... I guess I will have some food, please!". He was joking, of course, but many of you are not!

Thank you for your attention and understanding!

Finally, several retarded thread subjects as shining examples of this trend:

  • Suggestion
    Horse Idea
    Two simple suggestions
    What do you think about these suggestions?
    What I think...
    A suggestion concerning the forums
    Some major suggestions
    Random Suggestions
    List of things.. (Excellent one!)
    What if you..
    Is it just me or...
    some random ideas
    Minor Suggestion
    A few suggestins from me
    multiplayer idea
    My Sugestions (Would make a good WinXP folder, though!)

Now imagine that everyone would use subjects like this. A nightmare!
I, too, find it extremely annoying that there are these 'OMFGLOL I GOT AN IDEA!!!111' threads keep popping up. then when you actually click them they've written a page of bull**** that simply wasted your time.
You have two days' worth. And apparently it doesn't matter, since I have seniority over Lost-Lamb and Narcissus. Furthermore, Machiavelli teaches us that fear is the simplest and most reliable way to maintain order.
Furthermore, Machiavelli teaches us that fear is the simplest and most reliable way to maintain order.
Except when the person in charge (armagan in this case) would have no reason to be fearful of you :lol: Good way to get beheaded...or banned, same difference!
I agree with this to some extend, but tell me a name for a thread with 20 minor suggestions? "Ways to improve: jumping, horsecombat, taverns, weapons, shields, envirioment, world map...etc. " ?
Ilex said:
I agree with this to some extend, but tell me a name for a thread with 20 minor suggestions? "Ways to improve: jumping, horsecombat, taverns, weapons, shields, envirioment, world map...etc. " ?

no, 'I'm a nagging whore who likes nothing about the game' is a better one :smile:
I see both sides to this.

Some suggestions need a more descriptive title ... some, as Ilex said, can't possibly include a descriptive title of what they suggest.

As far as some of the other comments made here ... I won't get involved. :shock:

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