Suggestion: Secret History of the Mongols

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Looking at this game's present development, it suddenly occurred to me that this game could conceivably be modded into the place and period where a 9-year old Temujin eventually overcame treachery, poverty, and outright aggression to become Jingis Haan in his forties. If anyone has read the 'Secret History of the Mongols' one can see how those events would fit quite nicely into this game format.

True, PrinceScamp. But, there are also towns, European-type peoples, and castles. Mongolia during that period was largely nothing but tent (ger) encampments, separated by miles of grass. There were more civilized cultures to the east (semi-nomadic Jurchen), but for the most part it was nomadic.

Another interesting idea, and central to nomadic cultures, would be herds. Sheep, horses, yaks, and camels would all be the life core for a group of nomadic steppe people.

Also, the Khergit do NOT have a town, and they are infact raiding eastern Calradia, the came from the east, over the mountains, wich is yet to be added.
The Khergit are cool. I'm only level 9 atm, and I ran into them once in the desert while escorting a caravan, where my only choice was to play dead. The caravan made it to their destination, and I still got my money :smile:

i hate these guys i was carrying 2000 denaris of goods that i wanted to sell and then suddenly they came and i forgot to save now i have a poor lvl 15 character with bad gear
Nice idea, but i'm suscipicious to ask you a few questions.

How will the mod actually look like. Like you know, the pre-Genghis Khan mongols, were divided into a mutlitude of tribes, starting from the tatars, and ending on the merkits, or Kereits.

What i mean is like how will the game look like? Will you try to take us by the hand, and start off with the union of Temujin with Dzamuka(Jamuka?) and Ong-Khan?

Never the less im very interested in your mod.

Good luck :wink:
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