SP - General suggestion : RP reinforcements for the Sturgians

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Here we have done a part as "mercenaries", "bandits", and with a 5 workshops. We also defended for a time the "Sturgians", in vain, the finished quest, with two cities and only 5 clans, they do nothing more (we can even say that they go around stupidly and without objectives). Sometimes they create an army, go into a city, go out of the city, go into the city, and so on, infinitely ...
Then we realized that by being independent, we did not have castles, only workshops in a few towns, we earned enough to live without doing anything. So what's the point of continuing? The quest is over, the Khuzaits have invaded much of the map and are continually bickering with the Battanians. They are so powerful that nothing can be done against them. What's at stake now? The tournaments? it's boring ... Having a castle? Okay, already done ... boredom sets in too.

So, I would make a suggestion, we should know where the quest banner is and that it can rotate from one faction to another to break this "quietude" by putting it at the center of all tensions. . Perhaps the marriages will come to rekindle the flame, but for the moment, a mediating vector is missing which would regularly upset alliances and therefore the balances.

Unless a "sequel" is planned, for now, apart from improving the skills of my character and my companions, the game seems to me in an "unthought" phase.

To change this, there may be a solution (ambitious, I know):

- the arrival of illustrious characters from an ancient people claiming the leadership of Calradia, something which would force the factions to form a big coalition, the player would then have the choice of supporting this newcomer faction, or of fighting him. We could imagine that this new arrival would offer a considerable reinforcement to the Sturgians who would have every interest in joining this new power. So all the Sturgian Lords, wherever they were, would join this new force. The map would be totally messed up. For Role Play, we could imagine that the Sturgians are related to these newcomers. (These new arrivals would look a lot like sea bandits, no need to invent everything, it would be a mix between sea bandits and Sturgian troops). And it would then become interesting to play the Sturgians who would suddenly find themselves enriched by these powerful Lords from the seas ...
I know, that would be a huge sequel to the quest. We could also imagine that our brother and sister are these illustrious characters collected by the parents of our character. No one knew, except ... Istiana of course. I would finally understand the Istiana "conspiracy" and the defeat (persecutions against) of the Sturgians ... So we should choose, support or fight our brother and our sister ...
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